HomeProphecyStrategies For Taking Dominion!


Strategies For Taking Dominion! — 7 Comments

  1. Thank you, sister Veronika. Additionally and without discrediting being in touch with Heaven, I would humbly suggest that the kinds of things the Sons of Issachar did for Israel would also suggest that believers know the ways the world works, in order to tell what to do in it.

  2. Interesting!  Ever since my eyes were opened to the schemes of the enemy I have prayed often that the Lord would make me like the men of Issachar, understanding the times and knowing what to do.  Some years ago He dropped a thought in my spirit: the body of Christ needs to build its own economy. I began to write a strategy and have prayed that the Lord would guide me as I did so.  I continue to pray that He will give me new and improved ideas and will from time to time return to the document when I feel the nudge.  It is still not complete and it is already too big for me.  But He is able. Praise God!  He is able!!!

  3. Veronika, so powerful! May we be just as the sons of Issachar were in our understanding. This truly is the bottom line for me: “Our taking dominion in The Nations is dependent not on discernment alone, but in us receiving the right strategies for war.” May we recognize the danger and dive deeper into the Lord for the strategy needed in this hour. Thank you as always for your clarity and powerful words from the Lord! xox Sandi

  4. Amen – ‘deep divers’ ‘take dominion’ as they are /fruitful/ Gen. 1:28 – They multiply and replenish the earth to the Glory of God. They affect change over living atmosphere/s Gen. 1:28 by the power of God who has ‘blessed’ / empower for destiny and dominion in the earth.

    Gal. 5:22-23 The fruit of the Spirit ‘takes dominion’

  5. Thank you for this awesome word and I agree this is the time of deep calls unto deep.  Even though there is dark days ahead, what a great time to be alive on this earth for such a time as this.

  6. The sons of Issachar were said to have understood the times & seasons they lived in. We are required to be like them, and pray to be Holy People Army of G-d ready & available.