HomeProphecyThe Battle of ‘Your Town’


The Battle of ‘Your Town’ — 10 Comments

  1. I must admit I have been preparing and see my small neighborhood on this rural estate and a team.
    However, I feel God has put a warning to me about one neighbour who would seek to steal from me. She believes Trump is the saviour (blasphemy) and I suggested she get hand crank generator/solar panel/log store etc etc due to coming power loss. But she gets snarky with me and says shes prepared enough (I have lived in car in wilderness and know from what shes said she aint)
    She has the money, but would rather spend it on her art business that people wont buy when they are skint.
    I have two spare comprehensive kits that I am saving for those without money (£450 each) and she thinks she will just have one of them.
    Foolish virgin God put to me …so yes I want true admirable community but in some, we will also see the worst of people stealing from others

  2. Yes, Jesus has been speaking to us Here in Indiana about this as well. He wants to unite us. Just like in acts sharing everything, having everything in common. That miracle has happened in my family and Jesus is just beginning to expand us. Unity will increase/grow love. Jesus will unite people, drawing them into one-ness. First with just you and Jesus. Second unity with you and others. Then Third, whole groups will unite. This will begin to take place. The conversations need to begin to take place between all Jesus followers who are ready to take their love to the next level. It’s time to unite “Church”. Let none stand alone. Let none go without. join economically, join spiritually, join, Join, Join. This is the call, for everyone to participate in this uniting.

  3. “This ‘new’, Remnant Church will not only Talk the Talk – they will Walk the Talk too.”

    I don’t practise what I preach. I preach what I practise. This is because there can be a lag between when you practise and when you preach. Rather, walk the talk. 
    what if church leaders are too busy to walk the talk? In that case, the leaders of the ekklesia are being distracted from the ekklesia. Then, the ekklesia are being distracted from the leaders of the ekklesia.

    When Jesus is in first place, the ekklesia must not be distracted from Him, and the leaders of ekklesia must not be distracted from Him. There was a time when I allowed Christian books to distract me from Jesus.

  4. “This ‘new’, Remnant Church will not only Talk the Talk – they will Walk the Talk too.”

    I don’t practise what I preach. I preach what I practise. This is because there can be a lag between when you practise and when you preach. Rather, walk the talk.

  5. I can cook and bake
    I believe, aired on social media recently.
    God is raising a fighting, believing, healing, delivering, prophesying army that will be The Church as He first destined it to be!

  6. I grew up around the Amish and it is as you say.  They do a lot of things wrong, and sneaky…. but they do indeed stick together and help each other.  They also help non-Amish members of the community at times. :). One thing you might want to change in your article though.  It’s “old order” not old world order.  Old order means no modern conveniences like electric or cars, although they can have cell phones now as long as they are not used in the house.  Heeheehee

  7. Wow, what a heart message! Thank you and God bless you for sharing my bro.
    When I read just now, I cried. Would all Gods children’s enough to be the Church and not play church!

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