HomeProphecyThe Seriousness of Words, Vows and Business


The Seriousness of Words, Vows and Business — 5 Comments

  1. When our great God and father spoke out of his inner being came his word a son. And all that he is. Is truth. What comes out of our inner being? Is it truth or something else? The times we are in will test every man to see what sort of man he is. Is Jesus Christ what is in our every word because he is now our life? Or are we swayed by the opinions of men and doctrines of devils
    When we wood rather die then speak a word that is false we have only began our journey so much of what most believe and think they would die for they have not even taken the time to see for themselves if it is true. The times we are in will expose all .when you are naked will people just see you or Christ as your life? Even Jesus is not who or what most think. They are bound to the flesh and dare not sore in the heavens. Oh well all are about to see what most have only dreamed about.

  2. Power packed! Chock full of nuts. I certainly can relate to your story about the woman who needed deliverance. I too know of a woman whom I have known for 20 years who struggles with spirits that are ungodly. I am having that same experience of when God will truly release me from all interactions rather it be just text messages which now comes from her side to me. I try my best to keep any communications sweet and to the point but I will not be dragged back in to details of sharing about my life as I know these spirits that I am dealing with. I tried blocking her number but God won’t allow for me to keep her blocked. Maybe it will just run it’s course and she will one day stop texting. It sounds like a horrible thing, but I know I have to..meanwhile I lift her up in prayer, still show love, but the boundaries are there in place for my good. This hit home and I appreciate your share and hoe you handled the situation. Yes, in all things good, bad, or evil God directs our path. So grateful for this. Thank you.

  3. Thank you so much for this teaching.  I long to bring everything under Christ in my life.  This is a clearly described framework for prayer.  I have heard from the Lord a calling to set captives free.  I need to sit and study and count the cost and first complete getting my own house in order.

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