HomeProphecyVision of Persecution


Vision of Persecution — 7 Comments

  1. The LORD showed me an open vision on May 10. I saw an open space as far as I could see and it was full with dark green helicopters. Only a few in the air and one with a rope ladder. Then I was somewhere else and I could smell fire but I couldn’t see anything because of very thick smoke..I don’t know if these two are connected.

    Then on May 22 I saw all these helicopters again, but now they were all up in the air.

    • I forget to mention but I also saw a long line of trucks. I also saw flags on the trucks but also around the trucks. And I could sense the colour beige, not the trucks probably but something in their surroundings. I don’t believe it’s sand. I saw that on May 26.

  2. Praying into… This is much what I am being shown. While many wouldn’t even post this dream I applaud you for doing so, my brother.
    Love warns but with a true hope always in our Lord!
    Has the Lord not always came through even in times of persecution?
    I believe we can intercede for many to be spared in these countries and all nations. We are preparing to stand and not fall. God bless you.