Whose Report Will You Believe? Stop and Consider!
As I prayed today, The LORD brought to my remembrance a word He gave me back on August 5, 2019, “Deep Relevance for New Beginnings“ published here on HKP.
He ministered to me that much of it is happening now, but this one excerpt I must share with you because it describes how so many are “feeling” as 2020 comes to a close and it sets the stage for the things I heard HIM say to STOP and CONSIDER.
“Some will step in, some will step down, and some will step up.
In addition to some taking steps, many will have to turn around and look at Me so I can place their feet on the new path, for I have made a sharp turn at a dead end street called FAMILIAR.
I AM here, to put them of the path of life and I AM paving the way via of a new Subdivision called NEW DAY.
They will live on a street called TRUST THE UNKNOWN in a house called FULLNESS OF IDENTITY.”
There are two words that The LORD reminds me of quite often when He wants me to get HIS true perspective and not fall into the trap of trying to put my interpretation on what HE has spoken to me.
He says to me “STOP” and “CONSIDER.”
The first time HE ever said that to me, I looked up the word CONSIDER. It means think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.
Beloved, The LORD created us for relationship. As we engage with one another, it is key to communicate clearly and listen intently.
So Wisdom always chooses to STOP and take a step back to CONSIDER another person’s perspective before judging their actions when treated with disrespect, dishonor or control.
We must not dismiss another person’s perspective too quickly. When we CONSIDER we have not walked in their shoes for sure and they have not walked in ours, it sheds a new light on what seemed great darkness or as they say, “failure to communicate”.
“Let Me be clear,” says The Father, “Disrespect, Dishonor and Control do not flow out of a guarded heart.
So I AM declaring Diligence is required to protect your heart from a wound that lodges deeply in your heart and brings defilement and hardness coupled with bitterness.
Love that flows from the heart of God never divides, manipulates, or shows disrespect. I implore you to STOP and CONSIDER how you relate and keep an open heart.”
When unity does not come easily, leave it with The Father of lights in whom there is no shadow or turning.
Let this Scripture be your guidepost in relationships.
“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with the other, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin,” 1 John 1:7 KJV
I hear The Father admonishing us, “My Warrior Bride is the Remnant Army and they must take great measures not to be entangled with petty differences for I have enlarged their vision and given them My Perspective as they are shifting their gaze to see through My Eyes,” says The LORD.
“There is no more time for divisive prideful platforms. I AM giving a trumpet call to My Bride to arise out of their complacency and self-deception that has caused them to be stagnant.
I have come to remind you today that it is what is going on in the inside of you not what is going on outside of you that will make a difference.
Your identity cannot be stolen for your identity is in Me. Know this,” says The Creator of all mankind, “I AM opening blinded eyes to envision the deep Revelation of My Love that has come to purify and prepare them to have pure hearts free of all envy and strife.
For I have come to purify, ratify and sanctify My People who are called by My Name.
I, The LORD God, says to you, I AM establishing order in My House and in My Land and declaring a set up for true alignment and authority to rule in righteousness and justice.
Again I say, stop and consider that trusting The LORD with all your heart and leaning not unto your own understanding, knowing The Truth, and obeying The Word of the one who is Truth, will be your safe place and your anchor in the storm.
Yes, this is a time when Trust, Truth and Obedience are being tested and pushed to the limit. Who are you listening to? Whom do you believe? God is not a man that HE should lie!
STOP AND CONSIDER, God always finishes what He starts. The LORD showed me in a vision what a swamp really looks like and it is very messy and when it is being drained, it is full of filth.”
Then The LORD spoke to me and said, “The swamp is being completed drained and every particle of filth is being revealed.
My Hand is on America and I AM not finished with what I started when I called Donald Trump and compared him to King Cyrus.
I say to you, you have listened to the Media, you have listened to the authors, you have listened to the reporters and you have listened to the betrayers, and you have listened to the prophets, now I say to you again, WHOSE REPORT WILL YOU BELIEVE?
Never forget, I AM the beginning and I AM the end and this work of reformation, revolution and restoration is not finished. And the unprecedented outpouring of a mighty revival is coming but it will come on the heels of a massive repentance says The LORD God of all.
This has not taken Me by surprise. I AM all knowing and I will complete My Plan.”
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman of Matters of the Heart website was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of the Lord Ministries came from a divine encounter with the Lord when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.