HomeProphecyWisdom, Knowledge, Faith Are Bringing Recovery, Restoration & Revelation


Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith Are Bringing Recovery, Restoration & Revelation — 20 Comments

  1. Dear Sandi, Praise God for your vision within your vision. Fire is part of indigenous culture too. What do I see this morning? In the natural, I saw a man constructing a concrete slab on the vacant land next to my house. I asked the contractor if he was going to build a house. The slab was for a garden shed. If you look more deeply into this, you would see that trees on the land were cleared in 2017. The land was prepared for a house in 2020. I have photos on my facebook. There has been no further construction work since then. Again, if you look more deeply into this, you would see that the block has been vacant for more than 15 years. What is the Lord saying? The impression that I get is that the Lord is going to rebuild the church from the foundations up. Today, June 19, I can see that progress is being made according to His plans (Psalms 127:1). Oh, there was a German ‘Fireheart’ and I have a German background. Thank you for your reply.

    • The FIRE MAN applies. Thank you Holy Spirit.

      Maryam Ziadat
      The coming of the Fire Man
      Thursday, Dec. 29th 2016
      I am bringing forth the “Fireman” and he will shoot out fire from his mouth, his eyes and his hands. A ministry so powerful, a ministry with fire. My word is like fire, says the Lord and when spoken it will burn all that is not gold and will purify the gold and the silver into a higher level of purity.
      The Fire comes out from his mouth, fire from his eyes, fire from his hands and my fire shall burn all that is not gold. Only the genuine shall stand. Only the true shall be elevated and accelerated and those who are ready for another level of glory shall dare to stand in front of the “Fireman”.
      I am presenting an alter for a living sacrifice, so whoever dares to be one, let him come, for I am calling my fireman.
      Therefore, this is what the LORD God Almighty says: “Because the people have spoken these words, I will make my words in your mouth a fire and these people the wood it consumes. Jer. 5:14
      Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1
      their work will be shown for what it is because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 1 Cor. 3:13

    • WOW Peter..just WOW. What a confirmation. I have been saying to the Lord, should I keep being the ‘town crier’…seems like no one is listening..no one hearing! But your confirmation and a few other trusted voices are assuring me..this is not a time for the faint of heart but a time to send a warnings and speak the truth just as He speaks to you..thanks more than words can say..Sandi (and the 2016 word from Maryam Ziadat so good!!) Glad you shared.

    • Peter, could you be saying in reality a little child whose heart is on fire for the Lord shall lead them? and better still shall come and put out the fires designed to destroy the houses of the Lord and kill and destroy all?? Powerful picture in that movie!! Wow..Sandi


    At the same time that the program about facial surgery was being shown on TV, the program “Angel has Fallen” was being shown on TV. If Christians who desire change in their heart more than they desire change in their appearance, they will be granted the desire of their heart (Psalm 37:4). I believe that this sign marks an intensification of the shaking of the church. Indeed, there was a 3.9 earthquake off the coast of Cairns, near to where I live, on Feb 6, 2022.


    • Perhaps much truer than we realize..the truth is painful at first when we realize thes are the Signs of the times. I love the truth of this..’If Christians who desire change in their heart more than they desire change in their appearance, they will be granted the desire of their heart (Psalm 37:4) Thoughts to ponder for sure! Thanks PETER for mirroring the word above re:WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND FAITH. May all who read your comments be totally enlightened as I was! So grateful for how God uses each of us to paint the BIG PICTURE of the big contrast we are seeing today in the world!! May the Lord bless you and keep you as you acknowledge Him in all your ways, Sandi


    Thank you for your patience with me. God is going to shake-up appearances of churches. Some church leaders have desired change in their appearance more than they have desired change in their heart. As I have been writing, a program was being shown on Australian TV: Facial surgery in China. People have requested facial surgery before their previous facial surgery has healed. This can be demonic. 


  4. I would like to go deeper with this. In my case it isn’t just having more “patience.” It is more suffering. God spoke to me about the “anaesthetic of His presence.” The church may need more of His presence during the shaking of the church.

    There is a resemblance between agitation due to pain and shaking. Perhaps agitation is the vaccine for shaking. If someone would benefit from me writing this, it would be my gift to them. Actually, it would be God’s gift to them.

    A consequence of pain could be the fear of pain. I should know because I have published a paper on the fear of pain: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0005796792900904
    If people have a fear of tribulation, they have an opportunity to be set free from their fear before the tribulation increases.

    I learned how to distract myself from pain by watching movies. Unfortunately, I allowed myself to be distracted from God in the process. You can overcome distractions from God by worshiping God. Is that scientific psychology or pastoral theology or both?

  5. Sorry, error sign “folLowing”

    Sorry, error sign I Peter 5:6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God [set aside self-righteous pride], so that He may exalt you [to a place of honor in His service] at the appropriate time,

    People can go blind gradually and shadows may grow in the sense of area rather than intensity.

    • My My My Peter..thanks much for the loaded revelation of reality “People can go blind gradually and shadows may grow in the sense of area rather than intensity”..that is something that needs to be written on our hearts!! Grateful girl! It is so evident how much we need each other to see the magnitude of truth from every angle..Many thanks again! Sandi


    There are sequences of 3. Note the “3” in the following verse:

    For where two or three are gathered in My name [meeting together as My followers], I am there among them.” AMP, Matthew 18:20

    WHAT IF 3 people agreed with each other to ask God to humble themselves?

    note that “yourselves” in the folLowing verse is plural:

    Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, AMP

    WHAT IF they agreed with each other to be humble and patient?

    Recently, the download rate in our internet connection was increased. Further, the rate of increase of something can increase. A Word of wisdom:

    The intensity of light can increase over time. The rate of increase of light can increase over time. Hallelujah. But WHAT IF the rate of increase of darkness exceeds the rate of increase of light? Shadows grow from a 30 watt bulb to a 20 watt bulb. I would prefer to grow from glory to glory. Patience, Patience, Patience

    • Peter, I cannot begin to tell you how informative and confirming your comments were and how eye opening for all to get a grip on “all the appearances” and the changing of them are a mirror of what needs to be changed on the inside rather the the outside appearance. Trying to ‘fix it’ with a quick fix instead of a heart change and an awakening to the truth. I loved this part of what all you said..”I would like to go deeper with this. In my case it isn’t just having more “patience.” It is more suffering. God spoke to me about the “anaesthetic of His presence.” The church may need more of His presence during the shaking of the church.” Bravo!! Thanks for all you shared. Blessings and honor! Sandi

    • Thanks Peter, I too have been seeing the sequence of the 3’s and the power of the 3’s and the three fold cord that is being formed for us by God to add power with agreement and deliverance and restoration. Bless you! Sandi

  7. Thank you Lord! Sandi. this speaks so much to my heart, I’m rejoicing and determined to press to the finish line. God bless you daughter of God!

    • I appreciate your blessing, dear Jennifer. I endeavor to listen carefully to the Father before I take my pen in hand. Many blessings to you, Sandi Holman

  8. Amen, Thank you so much sister Sandi for this beautiful message, indeed it speaks to my heart, May the Lord of all grace bless you and your family in this new anointed season.

    • Your uplifting comments are so welcome. Thank you. I believe the Lord is sending so much beauty to His people in this hour of so much evil. I receive your lovely blessing with great grace and love. Bless you as you press on, Sandi Holman

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