Hang on for the Ride, but Also for Great Pockets of Revival!
Lets pray for many salvations in Israel and all Nations! Jesus Christ is the only true Messiah!
Continue reading →Lets pray for many salvations in Israel and all Nations! Jesus Christ is the only true Messiah!
Continue reading →I tell you that there is chaos ahead. On every corner there will be chaos erupting. For the final outcome of this election will bring out much violence.
Continue reading →“I AM your beginning and your end,” says The LORD. “For I knew you and planned for you before your conception.”
Continue reading →I will give you the breakthrough that you are longing for as you press into My presence and glory, says the LORD.
Continue reading →The Gaza Storm: “The Storm (War) shall become so intense that citizens of Garza shall come to faith in Jesus the Messiah.” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Beloved! Listen to the Wind. You know not where it comes from or where it is going. Yet your Heavenly Father does,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →A time of Prosperity and Joy for the Believer — a time of trouble for the wicked. Above all — God’s Name will be glorified. Gideon’s Army is being raised to remove altars of Baal.
Continue reading →In March 2023 — if it is to be believed — the UN Leader pronounced, “Our world needs climate action on all fronts – everything, everywhere, all at once!”
Continue reading →“Northern Ireland is about to go into a slump of digging ditches — the only place they will feel safe,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“The bigger the lies and deeper the deception, the more I AM magnifying The Truth — and the more The Truth shall light up the darkness,” says The LORD God.
Continue reading →The heartbeat of this Nation is vital to the functioning of the body, to service all the parts and cells in the body.
Continue reading →When God releases proclamations His Words activates actions. The Word may not manifest for 100 years — or less — but His Word does not return unto Him void.
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