HomeProphecyI AM The King of Glory


I AM The King of Glory — 9 Comments

  1. Jeannine, I am still praying with you and for you. Some people we just carry in our heart in a special place. My time with you and before long ago when I birthed Nighttime Aglow in Knoxville were such special appointments in my life. Thank you so much for your encouraging comments, to God be the Glory. Love you, my sister, may we press in til the end. Sandi

  2. Such a blessing to wake up and read this word from the Lord Sandi.
    I was encouraged and lifted up in my spirit.
    I felt the presence of Lord on each word and song.
    Bless you Mighty Women of God.
    You are a Blessing to the body of Christ .

    • Deborah, I thought I replied to you but looks like I posted 2 replies to Jeannine..Nevertheless. Thank you for your encouragement and I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that your were lifted up and encouraged by His words through me but especially by the presence of the Lord. I love you dearly and value the longevity of your prayers for me and with me and still believing for the Prophetic word you spoke to Gerry. I receive you kind words of blessing and I know the sincerity of your heart. Love and prayers, Hold to His unchanging hand, my friend, HE is not finished with you yet! Sandi

  3. Wow, Wow & triple Wow!
    Glory to God for the Words and the songs. Playing and reading now. Praise God!
    Love you my sister. Pressing in and on together. I love you. ❤️

    • Morningstar Prophetic, Carol. I was the leader under Carolyn Moss. Amanda was a student at YWAM Charlotte when I was on staff there. Todd Hedgepeth is my son. It seems like we actually knew each other before that through Charlotte Hawthorne when I lived in her condo in Ft Mill. I worked in Healing Rooms then with Dennis Brown. I think you knew me as Sandi Ware. I am trying to think how we met but I am pretty sure it was MS. I am so sorry to hear about Waymon. I am not on FB much but I did see your post and commented. You had a good life together. Nevertheless, It is good to see you. I appreciate your input. God is releasing good good news along with the bad news the world is producing. God’s richest blessings to you, Sandi

  4. How encouraging! My spirit bears witness to every word. Thank you, Sandi for listening and for sharing. I love you!


    • Jeannine, I am still praying with you and for you. Some people we just carry in our heart in a special place. My time with you and before long ago when I birthed Nighttime Aglow in Knoxville were such special appointments in my life. Thank you so much for your encouraging comments, to God be the Glory. Love you, my sister, may we press in til the end. Sandi

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