HomeProphecyA Reign of Fire!


A Reign of Fire! — 6 Comments

  1. PRAISE HIM Thank you . So on time; just sent my book “They met me not with bread and water on the King’s Highway” to Amazon for publication, hope to be out in 4 weeks. by Patricia Gortner Marseglia
    His glorious days

  2. Soo Good Abba!!
    Oh my goodness Deborah, I can feel this!!
    NEVER AGAIN will His people be shamed!! Our Joy will never be taken from us again!!
    And our Cup Overflows with the Goodness of our God, for who can possibly hold it in?!!!! Even the rocks would cry out!!!
    This is Truly the Good News He was speaking of!!!
    God bless you beautiful lady!!
    God bless your beautiful feet on the Mountains Deborah Waldron Fry!!

  3. Danke Jesus!!! Jesus lebt in mir (Galater 2,20), der Heilige Geist, der Jesus Christus von den Toten auferweckt hat lebt in mir (Römer 8,11). => Die größte und unermessliche Kraft Gottes (des Universums) lebt in mir. (Eph. 1, 19+20).
    In dieser Autorität und Kraft Jesu Christi in mir kann und soll ich das Königreich Gottes auf die Erde bringen Zeichen und Wunder vollbringen.

    [ HKP : Google Translate : “Thank you Jesus!!! Jesus lives in me (Galatians 2:20), the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives in me (Romans 8:11). => The greatest and immeasurable power of God (the universe) lives in me (Eph. 1:19+20).
    In this authority and power of Jesus Christ in me, I can and should bring the kingdom of God to earth and perform signs and wonders.” ]

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