HomeNew World OrderAmerica & The Evil Crew of 32


America & The Evil Crew of 32 — 26 Comments

  1. Never stop praying brothers and sisters!

    Holy! Holy! Holy! is the Lord God Almighty…who was…who is…and who is yet to come! Father, may your will be done!

  2. “For when the first one is taken, it will be a sign that the New World Order shall die. When the second one is taken, it will be a sign that anyone calling himself Mine, but who comes against My Israel, sympathizing with her enemies, will not be tolerated. The three that will be shaken, will be a sign that no one is above the Most High God.”

    George Bush Sr. passed away on Nov 30, 2018, ten months after this prophecy. How fitting that he was the president who publicly declared a “New World Order” in a 1991 speech. The next president to be taken is likely Carter as he is 95. The other three (Bush W., Clinton, and Obama) will be shaken alright and hopefully imprisoned for treason.

  3. I don’t believe its Reagan, I think its Carter…him and clinton were going to start their own church!  haven’t/didn’t hear anymore about it, but tells me they were not seeking the Lord…!

  4. For the first time I feel like a God loving American Patriot. President Trump is not how the Washington establishment thinks things should work, But it is working, they don’t like anyone who upsets their illegal insider trading and route to Millionaire status on the back of the American working class. Stay strong President Trump. Always on your side. The a lot of the American people are starting to wake up and see what the Democratic agenda is all about and what you have done for the United States of America. Im so sorry for how you and your whole family has been treated by these Democrats, Communists, Socialists. 6 More Years Please.  Rich Jackson

  5. I pray so hard that our Good President stay safe , I even write letters of encouragement, He has so much on his shoulders I pray daily for his safety of his family.. Please keep him safe.. He is strong and brave.
    thank You

    • I do the same thing Raymond.  Every day I pray for his safety, and the safety of his family and all those who are working for the glory of God.  May he continue to stand strong, stay healthy and keep on doing God’s will.

  6. Reagan isn’t included as he is not alive, but Carter is and he served 4 years. Including Carter (4) with GH Bush (4), Clinton (8), GW Bush (8) & Obama (8), equals 32.

  7. Ok the five past presidents are Obama (8), G.W. Bush (8), Clinton (8), G.H. Bush (4) and Regan (8) but that adds up to 36 years ??? Or am I wrong?

  8. It is comforting to know that God sees more than I see and He can do something about it!  What I see is perplexing but all I can do is AGREE WITH GOD.

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