The King’s Return is near!
As the day approaches of the return of your King, there are many battles that are being fought in the heavenlies for the souls of the people of the earth.
Continue reading →As the day approaches of the return of your King, there are many battles that are being fought in the heavenlies for the souls of the people of the earth.
Continue reading →As you pray in the Holy Spirit, you have availed yourself to one of the most powerful secret weapons that I have given to My children.
Continue reading →This is what I want when you come into My presence. That My joy becomes addictive and you get high off of My joy, and My love and you are full to overflowing.
Continue reading →This year is not over. What I have promised you from the beginning of this year 5775, now these things shall double, for all who have believed and not fainted!
Continue reading →I AM your Father. I will provide and take care of My own. There will be new territory to cross, but I have already gone ahead of you and charted your paths.
Continue reading →I AM doing a mighty, mighty work on the inside and I AM separating, and I AM refining you so that you might be bolder, so that you might be stronger.
Continue reading →Everything I have called you to do in this world is foolishness to this world, so when I tell you to shout for joy it is because it will cause demons to flee!
Continue reading →Love is not only feelings, but love is based on something deeper, it is a commitment, it is a covenant and they will stay faithful always and forever.
Continue reading →Quite often when I speak to My people, they rarely hear Me, for they only get a small part of what I AM saying.
Continue reading →There is not a moment not a day that passes by that you come into My presence that I AM not calling you deeper, deeper still.
Continue reading →I AM the judge, a righteous God. I will redeem and restore. Let Me be God and you just serve Me, you just be My child and obey Me and hearken to My Word.
Continue reading →My Word will be sweet to your soul as you let me warm you the power of My Word. As you yield more you will recognize how energized you have become.
Continue reading →There are some who have been hurt, tore down, they have been rejected and cast aside. But now God will take what looks like the end and make a new beginning.
Continue reading →I AM passing over, for this is our time, says the Lord. Just as there was a separation and distinction between Israel and all other nations because of My blood.
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