Come, into Relationship with ME!
There is not a moment not a day that passes by that you come into My presence that I AM not calling you deeper, deeper still.
Continue reading →There is not a moment not a day that passes by that you come into My presence that I AM not calling you deeper, deeper still.
Continue reading →I AM the judge, a righteous God. I will redeem and restore. Let Me be God and you just serve Me, you just be My child and obey Me and hearken to My Word.
Continue reading →My Word will be sweet to your soul as you let me warm you the power of My Word. As you yield more you will recognize how energized you have become.
Continue reading →There are some who have been hurt, tore down, they have been rejected and cast aside. But now God will take what looks like the end and make a new beginning.
Continue reading →I AM passing over, for this is our time, says the Lord. Just as there was a separation and distinction between Israel and all other nations because of My blood.
Continue reading →I AM setting you free, I AM restoring you, I AM refreshing you so that you might go forth and set others free, refresh them and restore them back.
Continue reading →This Word was given to our church as we fasted for Israel during Purim. (On the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, the edict commanded by the king was to be carried out. On this day the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, but now the tables were turned and the Jews … Continue reading →
As Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego, many have been in a fiery furnace. The enemy thought it was a furnace of affliction; it was the furnace of a proving ground.
Continue reading →There are areas in your heart that you have hardened against Me, like Pharaoh, and because you have hardened these areas I cannot change them.
Continue reading →I Am releasing new assignments and new plans; they have already been done in My mind and in My heart. I Am causing your mind and heart to line up with Mine.
Continue reading →This is a personal word given to someone, but a word that all of God’s children need from time to time to keep us steady on the course that we are traveling.
Continue reading →You must make room for more by kicking out every sacred cow, every religious spirit, every pre-conceived idea, every notion you grew up in that was not like Me
Continue reading →I AM concerned about the whole man, I AM concerned about your heart, your mind, your spirit, and about the physical man.
Continue reading →This is My season says the Lord, where the plowman shall overtake the reaper and greater works will you do.
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