HomeProphecyFinding Your Promised Land


Finding Your Promised Land — 9 Comments

  1. Remember, there are rewards or consequences for what you say and do, Bev was one of the best parts and so much more! The winds of Change have been stirring but now have become a whirlwind that cannot be stopped until all the evidence of the past is blown away and the dead limbs removed to make room for the tree of life to bloom again as the Lord plants it to receive fresh living water. God bless you Bev for releasing His flow of change and newness of life. Love and prayers, Sandi

    • Sandi,
      Thank you for sharing!  Although the evidence of the evil from the past needs to be confronted & dealt with before it blows away! So those responsible are held accountable.



      We need to stay out of His way & go on His ride, so we don’t get caught up in the tangle of the mess!

      We’d look kind of like the kitten who unravels the yarn & gets all twisted up & then looks at its human for help, but doesn’t have it figured out how it got into such a mess! So it meows for help trying to convince you it’s innocent.

      While you look at the mess it created & laugh or groan about it, or maybe both, depending on how much trouble the kitten has been in that day!

      GOD BLESS YOU Sandi, & your family! Bev

    • Sandi,

      Yes! We definitely need the new sprouts coming out from the Tree of Life! That His BREATH & LIFE are FLOWING FREELY throughout the nations! Let them come forth in GOD’S GREATER GLORY, NOW & FOREVER!. HALLELUJAH!  LORD, LET IT BE SO, IN JESUS NAME!

      Prayers for you & yours, Sandi! BLESSINGS! Bev

  2. Thank you Lord.
    Thank you Beverly. Some prophetic words are arrows or missiles. This is an arsenal of instruction to which we can come and load-up day after day. Trying to get it more eyeballs in X, etc. I may post pieces of it over a bit of time, surely want to read it again or have “Microsoft Dave” read it to me.

    • Arlen,

      Thank you for your kind response. God is so GOOD when we ask for more revelations, to help us understand what He’s showing us or talking to us about. May it help you broaden your knowledge & become wiser when you have to outfox the wolf, who seeks to destroy us all. GOD BLESS YOU! Bev

        • Arlen,
          No, not everyone knows because of spirits within, or the paradigm they walk in & other reasons.

          The enemy never gives up trying to destroy us. Whether mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, or financially, he will be hitting on you in one or more areas. The obvious area he usually hits is your weakest area, to make it weaker, until he breaks you down.

          Then he goes on to the next area. But he will still continue to periodically continue to hit on the first area, to convince you that you need to submit to him, because he believes he is bigger & badder than you ever imagined. He will repeat this pattern over & over, trying to destroy you, so he can have his way.

          He also wants to rob you of any confidence & faith you have in the LORD to keep His promises. Without confidence & faith in the LORD, mankind loses hope.

          If you aren’t for the enemy, he will usually be targeting you in some way to bring you down to his level. He doesnt play, but is very serious about the war of good vs evil because he believes he can win & he adores & worships himself, so much so & demands the demons worship him also, because he believes he is better than God Almighty. He also knows if he loses this battle with the LORD, he is DONE, GONE TO HELL, OVER, FINISHED. So he will continue to fight to the end.

          One of the principalities fighting over the US is Jezebel. One of its favorite tools is to throw a blanket or veil of deceit over those it is trying to coerce to it’s ways, so they become blinded by the blanket or veil of deceit & literally see nothing “bad” about that spirit, because they can’t see what it does, even though it’s in plain site.

          This oftentimes happens to leaders in churches, that they become so confused by the Jezebel spirit & complacent to the Jezebel spirit, it literally crawls up in their lap, as they allow it to do as it wants, while they ‘protect’ it, from those, who would expose it.

          Jezebel spirits also usually have an Ahab spirit nearby, who ‘blindly’ follows & does as its told by Jezebel.

          This is happening in the US now, as the Jezebel principality has thrown out its blanket or veil of deception over many states & regions, so they dont believe anything is wrong, but that everything they do is right, because the Jezebel spirit is there cheering them on for supporting it, which they did both knowingly & unknowingly.

          Jezebel inhabits both men & women, & is usually harder to recognize⁹ in men, as the example the Bible gave was a woman. So mankind expects it to be in a woman, not men. Men with that spirit are usually more subtle, so again, it’s harder to see in them & again our expectations can get in the way of us seeing & understanding clearly.

          It is usually when people finally experience & recognize the Jezebel spirit & the damage it’s done to them or their family or other loved ones that they begin to wake up to the truth. Personal experiences with that spirit are oftentimes traumatic & are what makes the person ‘wake-up’ to finally see what’s going on & recognize the truth, so they then become more willing to deal with it.

          Unfortunately there are those
          so greatly deceived they will not see the truth & become reprobate & will be judged severly by the LORD. 

          Calling forth the Jehus & releasing them to the nations will help rid it of the Jezebels trying to destroy it.

          I hope this helps.
          BLESSINGS, Bev

    • Success,

      Straight forward & to the point! Thank you so much for your response.

      God says, “You are a ‘TROOPER’ steadfast, & determined to follow Me. You dont give up easily & are fiercely loyal & BELOVED of MINE.”

      BLESSINGS, Bev

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