HomeProphecyForgiveness and Completeness in Him


Forgiveness and Completeness in Him — 9 Comments

  1. I especially love the words that the Lord can give is the capacity to forgive.  This must be a part of our salvation, bearing in mind that we cannot be forgiven without forgiving others and that our salvation is not down to our own efforts.

  2. Thanks for this message Mama Joyce. Unforgiveness is a satanic trap that cages precious souls for several years without them realizing this early but most times late when a lot would have been destroyed. May God give us the Grace to genuinely FORGIVE like Christ did & admonish! Close with this: LET GO & LET GOD!

  3. Thank you both Sandi and Bev! I appreciate the time you took to stop by my friends.
    God is so good to remind us and to bring to light truths we could slip on.
    God’s grace is certainly not cheap and He means for us to continually keep a clean slate. I think of the verse about little foxes.. It dont take much for a vine to be spoiled.
    What puts the fear of God in me, is many have went astray real Near the home stretch!
    We are too near Home too let any offenses keep us from Heaven. Too truly live with a Repwntant heart is what I pray for.
    Love you both.

  4. Absolutely a KEEPER! Copied and put in my SAFE PLACE. Wisdom from the Father that is TIMELESS. He writes ETERNITY on our hearts or should I say “From Here to Eternity”..love you dear sister. Thanks for being His servant that freely freely receives and freely gives. xoxo Sandi

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