Humbling Prayers
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Prayer Is Life You Must Live!
You barely grow by Prophetic Declarations – running up and down to any prophet you hear is coming in the city near you.
Even if a true prophet speaks into your life, much is done by you, for intended results.
The Word spoken over Timothy was intended for him to engage by it, in warfare. This is where prayer comes in.
Prayer is a lifestyle you must live. As water is for fish, so prayer is to a believer.
The results by Jesus’ ministry recorded in the gospels came as a result of his prayer posture. The disciples must have noted this, because at one time they came to Jesus and only asked Him to teach them how to pray.
If they knew how to pray, they could do it in like manner.
You can do more about your current condition, by praying.
Do NOT Murmur or Complain Against God!
Why do you murmur and complain against your only Source of Help?
He is God and Sovereign over all He does, that is His pleasure. That means, His ways are not your ways. His promises are true to the letter.
The LORD upholds His word to Jacob, keeping the covenants He made to Abraham.
Stand on His Word. Stand on His will because He will come to deliver you.
The LORD is the Rock and high crag that make you safe and secure.
Test and See the LORD is good.
TODAY, establish your total trust hope. In this season, Worship and Pray.
He is everything, your help, and your Maker.
Private Time With God & Public Demonstrations
“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In My name shall they cast out devils.” Mark 16:17.
Somebody is being addressed here, but who are these believers?
You will not produce results, simply because Jesus said so! No… it is more than that.
There are behind-the-scenes aspects to public demonstrations. These believers are people not limited to the born-again camps.
They Fast and Pray and then they live Holy lives. Behind words like, “be healed,” or “rise up and walk,” is something that has been worked on in private.
A true believer lives the life of Jesus and also does what He did.
Humbling Prayers
Look at the life of Naman Assyrian Commander who had Leprosy. Again look at the Life of David in the instance where he took Bersheba the wife of Uriah the Hittite, and case studies. Or Job who suffered in the hands of Satan.
These great men, who in a humiliating circumstance, went from grace and at some point, would have been deprived of goodness and mercies of the LORD. Yet there is what is synonymous to all in the specific misfortunes I have mentioned.
These men never succumbed to the sovereign will of God soon enough, as the calamity descended.
A man who was dying of Leprosy, began to argue which River was good for cleansing! He almost fell from grace!
Job missed the significance of his afflictions, until the last chapter. A turnaround came when he told God, “I know you can do everything.” But only after he had gone through it all.
Why did David worship the LORD only at the point when the child died? Why did it had to take so long?
Same reason, same weakness of men. Men are wired to put on a strong show, even when the circumstances demand surrendering.
Sometimes people who are in the process of going through much suffering, cease from calling God to help them, not because they are in pain, but because there is a Pride issue.
The reason why men can genuinely call on God, is to the degree of his humility.
Pride dismisses God, even if He should be your Help.
The LORD says, “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves….and Pray!” 2 Chronicles 7:14.
It says there is always a problem of pride, before people can pray. They have stopped praying, because they are still standing on their own.
Those who have the tendency of consistence calling on God, do so out of weakness.
May the LORD increase you in Levels of Humility, the levels in prayer.
~ Prophet Peter Odhiambo
Prophet Peter Odhiambo of Heart Revival Network International, Kenya is a Prophetic End-Time Minister of the Gospel, preaching in Crusades and open air Revival meetings. The LORD continues to show him the apostasy in the Church and the need to prepare the Bride, fit for the Wedding of the Lamb, as in Revelation 19:7-8.