HomeProphecy“I AM Closing In!”


“I AM Closing In!” — 5 Comments

  1. Thank you so much for this prophecy and for the word God this was beautiful. I saved it in my notes to go back and reflect and reference it and to also share it with others.
    I read all the scriptures as God is speaking to all of us thru you. God bless you and all who read this prophecy.

  2. Chi non crede non vuole ascoltare. Vedo indifferenza e disprezzo per la Profezia che è Gesù Cristo. Ma il Signore mi ha detto di non piangere per loro, pochi invocheranno il Suo Nome e solo quando cadranno i giudizi sulla Terra perché, se io da molti anni attraverso il fuoco dell’afflizione per seguirlo, loro invece non vogliono perdere la propria vita.
    Si, il Signore è molto vicino e non è più tempo di perdere tempo!
    Scrivo da lontano, dall’Italia, ma presto ci incontreremo nella nostra vera casa,con la nostra vera famiglia!
    Benedizioni a tutti voi profeti che portate conforto nel mio deserto!
    Grazie fratello! Shalom♡

    [ HKP : “Those who do not believe do not want to listen.
    I see indifference and contempt for the prophecy that is Jesus Christ.
    But the Lord told me not to weep for them, few will call on His Name and only when judgments fall on Earth because, if I have been through the fire of affliction for many years to follow Him, they do not want to lose their lives.
    Yes, the Lord is very close and it is no longer time to waste time!
    I write from afar, from Italy, but soon we will meet in our real home, with our real family!
    Blessings to all of you prophets who bring comfort to my wilderness!
    Thanks brother! Shalom♡” ]

  3. Thank you, HKP admin, for having set this here on your precious page.
    Thank you, Todd Andrew Farley, for being so accurate in explanations and descriptions of how the LORD speaks to you and through His Holy Word, the Bible.
    For me it is a sign and confirmation, how close you are in every hour, even every minute in your day and night walk and life with the LORD ABBA FATHER and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.
    I must confirm that during the past months HE over and over spoke to me that THE DAY OF THE LORD IS AT HAND.
    Yes, He is closing in !

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