HomeProphecyRoe v Wade and ‘Trumpet’ the Bloodhound


Roe v Wade and ‘Trumpet’ the Bloodhound — 10 Comments

  1. Amen!

    I didn’t read the dream because I haven’t slept yet and hope to fall asleep soon. Yet, I’m awe struck at just how clearly the Lord speaks through events taking place such as was clearly illustrated to us through a combined hearing the Word of the Lord from two prophets. The signs and posts are all very evident for those abreast to seeking Holy Spirit for symbolism, names, numbers …. and always referring to scriptures as history does repeat itself.

    I will return to reading this again so that I have a clearer understanding of everything. I won’t omit the dream on the my second time reading this.

    Thank You Lord and prophets of the Lord!

  2. http://www.tscpulpitseries.org/english/1990s/ts920323.html (done 3/1992)

    https://www.worldchallenge.org/beggars-are-sign (2/26/1999)

    I’m expecting fireballs from heaven anytime.  When you look at all the men in Christiandom, that did NOT live christian but religious and helped no one but self-serving selves and let the Homeless and Poor die and did NOT help Fatherless, Widow, Orphan, Single Parents and their Children and satanist/luciferians and Masons/Masonic, Catholics and Mormons and Mooney’s etc., are funding false church institute when people are the church.  Majority of big named ministries and religious organizations are new age mysticism garbage and worse learning absolutely nothing and not getting the Bible in entirety.  Pretty bad when you have a Book with a satanic/luciferian role call of Pastors/Ministries as false church institute is letting the satanic agenda “evil communist overthrow of the United States” kill them and their children and humanity and NOT taking a stand as Dr.’s/Lawyers/people asking where is the church in all this?  Our false shepherds have made the church inane, inept, ineffectual and irrelevant and behave more like the occult that hides sin, lives in darkness, doesn’t live in truth and sweeps sin under the carpet.  God knows and sees all and knows when we compromise and sell out!

  3. What an Awesome Author He is. I’m just in Awe that when we truly seek Him we find Him…EVERYWHERE!!!
    I’ve begun to refer to the remnant in my prayers as the Trumpeters. :D
    No doubt, we are about there, the darkness is truly becoming the darkest, but OOOH how bright His Light will Shine!!
    God bless you and yours beautiful lady!! :)

    • Upon pondering your dream Veronika, and also your references to the persecution released against God’s people while in the process of restoration, I’d like to share just how true and real this is in the “Now”.
      The tactics have increased as a result of technology, (and the size of the mob as well).
      Hacking is far more advanced than we realize, (and I believe we all soon will).
      People are being led without a clue as to why. Thoughts are planted and many who are hidden are benefitting greatly at the demise of the unsuspecting.
      Babylon is “full on” in the spirit realm and I believe we’re close to their crashing point….WOOP WOOP!!
      This is the result of the earnest and diligent who have, in spite of constant and continual shameful persecution and warfare with witchcraft, dug their heals in and refused to budge.
      Thank God for sites like HKP where His battle weary warriors can drink the deep waters of His Hope and Encouragement…WHEW!!! :)
      Thank You Father for everyone You’ve placed in position here at HKP!! Abba Father pour out upon them and theirs without measure, Limitless amd Abundant blessings!!
      In the Beautiful Name of Yeshua, Amen

  4. Everything is happening in God’s timing. I continue to watch and pray, as moves are made on the chess board. God bless

  5. Praise GOD for this Powerful Word! I sense GOD’S Spirit moving in the earth. I was drawn to this article and it has blessed me and confirmed what I have sensed GOD doing in the earth. I have prayed for a Caleb anointing over my life. I walk in Fait, not in fear. Bless GOD for these words of encouragement and Confirmation!

  6. Amen & amen.  We ask that You break this demonic invasion.  We purpose to hear only You and will not listen to any other.  We seek to hear & fully obey Your divine guidance Father God.

    Wake us!  Stir us!  Unstop our ears!  Oh God, break off the spirit of deafness & deadness on much of the church and let Your bride clearly hear what the Spirit says to the church..

    We repent of and come out of agreement with fear even as we cry out for mercy, mercy, mercy.  Break off the veil of the spirit of deception that covers our lands blinding us to the operation of the spirit of fear.

    The Remnant rises & stands in the power & authority You have given.  We ask You to break off the spirits of lethargy & death and will let worship fill our mouths as we adorn ourselves in garments of praise.

    May You be fully glorified and exalted in this hour according to Your will and by Your mighty power.

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