HomeProphecyThe Ancient Paths — Peace


The Ancient Paths — Peace — 12 Comments

  1. David, when I first read your post, I wept. The presence of the Lord was so deep and I had to copy it and print it out to meditate on the beauty of the ancient paths and the peace that flowed into my heart as I pondered and meditated on the words.However, for those who want to count the cost, I will point you to an Ancient Path. Look to the term “Abba Father.” I think wept remembering how many times the Lord has ministered to me about the fear of the Lord, His Holiness and the importance of counting the cost. Yes, I am still chewing on these strong but beautiful words you have shared that obviously came from a heart that has been purified and prepared to glorify Him alone as He walks intimately with Him. I so witnessed to the heart of the Father speaking gently to His chosen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Sandi Holman

    • Hi Sandi,

      It may sound odd to hear, but every single word of support truly ministers to me. perhaps it is because I face so much backlash for sharing what I have prayed into, or maybe because His Words carry such a fire it hurts ( I have tried to run away; I don’t recommend it lol!).

      Thank you and God bless you Sandi. I receive your support and Christ-Like Love.

      David & Maija NY

  2. Surly, a man after God’s own heart! God bless you richly man of God. Humbly if I may share, holiness, I don’t believe can be taught, as much as it is “caught” in intimacy w/God. Some believe, adhering to the tenants of the faith makes us holy. But as you know, those are outward signs of our inner heart conviction to our God, in process. 1Peter 1:15-17 tells us to “Be holy”, and to be holy is to Be IN Christ. To “live” there/in Him Acts 17:28, not visit. Could it be, Christ has visitors ? Though His arms are ALWAYS open to receive us fully as you mention, God wants us to Dwell there, Abide, John 15:4-9. Our choice, our walk, our life. Amen.

    • Well said… I could not agree with the spirit and heart of what you are trying to convey.

      Thank you for sharing and for the honor of your encouragement.

      David NY

  3. Excellent post, so much food for thought and things to pray about….opened my eyes to a lot of things. Thank you so much!

  4. Thank you for sharing what’s on your heart. I’ve been in the process of deep repentance myself, seeing it all as the less than and exchanging it all for the very Best-than He created me to reflect of Him instead. It’s been a very painful and lonely process, full of daily opportunities to practice patience, perseverance, and gentleness in the face of great opposition.
    I surrender all, and I know I will see the Goodness of the Lord in the land of the Living. I will wait upon the Lord, I will not fear but take heart and wait upon the Lord. I’m still in the waiting room of Abba Father’s Heart, and I won’t make a move until His Spirit leads. I believe the issue (in part) is that many act before His time. We see the desperate needs of a lost and dying world and we jump the gate……well, I mean, doesn’t God want me to help them? The answer is no. God wants me to get out of the way so that through me He can help them. But your right, many don’t want to go through the stripping and threshing process, but it’s imperative that our flesh be crucified!!
    He will have His Bride…..in spite of us. :)
    God bless your beautiful heart Mr. Murry

    • Wow… so many deep things you wrote upon here, Cherish. Thank you for sharing your heart and a small piece of your journey.

      Your treasures are being stored up where no one can take them away; that is for sure. I hear the depth and the pain in your journey. Loss alwasy releases authority when our hearts are one with His.

      Thank you,


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