HomeProphecyThe Healing Latter Rain — A Downpour of God’s Glory!


The Healing Latter Rain — A Downpour of God’s Glory! — 5 Comments

  1. I very much receive and feel this message in my spirit….there is an exitement in the air..a sense of a moveing of the
    spirit…..an explosion of the spirit so to speak

  2. Sweet Sweet Word!!! Blessings!
    Our God is An Awesome God, He reigns from Heaven Above with Wisdom Power and Love, our God is an Awesome God!!!

  3. It said, “comment to long” but I want to send the complete message:
    So today I am invited to a private coffee table, then for a city walk, and afterwards for dinner with 12 people. You may know, my heart’s desire is not a house on earth. My heart has been always desiring to be together with people who at least have respect, love and good behaviour. I asked my son, if the family family is more a farmer family or from the city, because I want to attend not overdressed nor underdressed. He answered, they own houses in that city. When you know how in the past years girlfriends never asked how his mother feels when neither Mothers Day nor Christmas or Easter or even my birthday was worth to get visited or invited, you understand my tears. My son always came, but his time was very limited. I think, mothers know what I mean… am excited about today, my expectations are not secular or too high, I am just nervous as a mother can be, meeting her daughter in law with family and being very welcome. Thank you for your precious encouragement, Deborah. May you also have a celebration Sunday today !

  4. My dear sister, who I one day will embrace: Though you have many many friends who love and appreciate you, I feel like you wrote this personally for me ! And yes, I want to proclaim the GOODNESS OF GOD, the latter rain is pouring down from heaven !
    I got an invitation for today, MOTHER’S DAY. Even the invitation was so loving and honouring that it brought me to tears. My only child who is 25 now, he has found his soulmate. She prepared a feast in her town for her grandmother and for her mother AND FOR ME…

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