HomeProphecyThe Turn Around Will Be Complete


The Turn Around Will Be Complete — 10 Comments

  1. Nothing seemed to happen before end of May? Except the Texas School shooting incident? Would that be it?

    New video shows alleged Texas school shooter holding bag of dead cats

  2. “Supernatural Boomerangs! God Is Turning Things Around”
    Dutch Sheets, Feb 9, 2022
    “The Holy Spirit…is moving us into convergence and a time of divine reversals! This is a year of great turnaround, when God intervenes powerfully on behalf of His people, and the enemy is overthrown as his plans boomerang back on his own head!”

    1. Mantle of Revolution (Brenda Rogers)

    2. Angel of Revolution (Susan O’Marra)

    3. Prophecies of Revolution (for example, Mary Dorian) There would be a sign of revolution

    4. Sign of Revolution (Cyclone Niran, Australia, 2021) The path of the cyclone was circular and it was a circular wind cat. 5 – a wheel within a wheel.
    – The path of Low 16U (2013) formed a figure ‘8’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012%E2%80%9313_Australian_region_cyclone_season#/media/File:Tropical_Low_90S_March_2013_track.png


    Mantle of Revolution

    I am only sharing the 3rd part of because it’s EXTRAORDINARY for me, although I am certain it is for untold millions who will benefit from it’s truth and Hope

    “Child, I AM Restoration and I AM Redemption!
    And I am restoring your life and heart while redeeming and breaking the backbone of all that the enemy has tried to try to break your spirit to work in you an exceeding weight of Glory.
    See, I am about to use all the power and wealth of experience in you and placing My Mantle of Revolution upon you to begin to run the good fight of faith with renewed strength and firmness and begin to change people’s lives.
    I am setting you up to go from glory to glory and pouring upon you a heavier anointing.
    And as I transition and shift you into this higher place, just like a hot air balloon would throw out its weights to begin to soar higher, you will need to relinquish to Me, your burdens and things you’ve been taking on that are hurting you…


    88 = postcode of Mareeba 4880, New Life, 4 circles or globes. Brenda [Rogers] asked me, “What do the 4 circles mean?” So I had to look it up, and I mean UP.
    Revolution. Revolution can mean ‘circle’ and it can also mean ‘change.’ This morning I woke up with this thought: Revolution at the 4 corners of the globe.

    Cycles are ending – your Lion Bites word for today
    The spirit of the Lord says to you ‘I’m putting a sword in your hand to end cycles and patterns that have prohibited you from moving forward in these days. I am giving you the necessary tools to finish continual struggles with sin and strongholds, to initiate a new time of freedom, wholeness and purity in your life.’
    You’re not to struggle with facing the same wall and fighting the same sin. Jesus’ blood has already been spilt, His body already been broken and these carry a full ability to break the power of sin over your life. It’s time to apply the power of these two victories. This is your day of victory.
    There is a call for those who hear it to confess sins and cycles and take communion with those that are dear and safe. As you confess and bring into the light sin, it will not have the power to overthrow you. As you take the bread and drink the wine, you’ll destroy the curse from ever returning.
    “James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”

  5. I keep getting turn around in my spirit have been a long time king David said nations will turn when his judge meets in earth they will learn righteous also breakthrough the 4th kingdom will possess the kingdom book of Daniel 2.  Verse 40 4th kingdom

  6. I pray for the children of our Lord to be protected from whatever the plans of the evil ones are. It is sad that such a horror is needed to turn things around but that seems to be the way it is with mankind. Israel constantly had to go through terrible trials and tribulations before repenting and returning to GOD.

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