HomeBiblical TeachingThis is Not a Rapture Verse — and Why


This is Not a Rapture Verse — and Why — 6 Comments

  1. 1 Corinthians
    13 No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy].
    Speaking of the tribulation and end times how would you apply this verse in the tribulating doctrine notice the word endure that does not mean you die to overcome! I am with Paul in this discussion if I have done things worthy of death I am not afraid to die however if my death is to appease some false doctrine that is not going to happen

  2. Thank you so much for clearing up this misunderstanding. I was hearing from the Lord that His people would be complacent, thinking they will be lifted off before any trouble begins, and would then become paralysed when they were not, and become vulnerable and inactive at the worst time. We must be ready!

  3. It’s exhausting that so many consider they are rightly dividing the word…

    one says pre rapture, the other says post or mid…

    And then, a bashing of scripture with each trying to prove who’s the correct one.

    How about this, keep trying to win souls….and when Jesus decides to come back, more souls will be saved.

    by the way, I fervently don’t agree with your understanding, but doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to your thoughts.

    You ate a man, full of fallacy, sinful, don’t know it all, just like me…if the Lord God was speaking to you/us about the topic, there would be no opposite views.

    Yes, even the disciples struggled against each other over scripture, but they knew Jesus Christ is/was the center of attention.

    pre or mid or post, Jesus Christ promised He would return, so how about preaching Salvation to the loss, compared to you attempting to prove other spirit filled believers are wrong.

  4. It must be noted that it is talking about people who are still living upon the earth at The Time of The Resurrection.
    The point we must then ask is: When does the Resurrection take place?
    Your own words do not answer your own comment. If people who are living and are not resurrected but changed as corinthians says what word would you use some use the word translated which fits old testament Enoch who did not see death, but this word does not fit the new testament because of the new creature already has died and put on the new man resurrection infers that you died physically as a new creature and Jesus came and took you to Heaven personally but what about the close of the church age when there will be those living new creatures who have not died whom Jesus moves to Heaven what word would you use not translate but rapture to express this moment. The discussion in Thess is not whether Jesus returns but how He returns to those who die before his coming to get the living which Paul answers by the word of the Lord that you (the dead in Christ) rise first announced by angel and you and Jesus are paraded into Heaven together

  5. The Lord showed me the same thing about a year or two after I got saved.  People won’t let go of it.  My church had an escatalogical teacher come who was teaching the pre trib doctrine.  I refused to go to his sessions, but he briefly spoke in one of the regular services.  I quietly prayed that he would be prevented from teaching contrary to God’s word.  His sessions failed and the last one cancelled because halfway through he caught a mild illness and lost his voice.  It kinda freaked me out.  I certainly did not doubt his salvation, but false doctrine is rampant.  95 percent of what my church teaches is sound.  The missing 5% though, is becoming more relevant by the day.  I am seeing Spirit more and more in the leadership and congregation, so I am confident the Lord will complete His good works in this particular assembly.

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