HomeProphecyUnited Kingdom Revival


United Kingdom Revival — 3 Comments

  1. Dear Chris, many thanks about your relentless encouragement to do what is necessary for living out revival! I feel Holy Spirit is telling me share what I experienced in Wales in Sept 2022: Being from Germany, the LORD brought me to the old wells in Wales to tap the Church of Germany to them. It wasn’t much about asking the LORD to “open” them again (I think they ARE open) but to reconnect to them. For this trip the LORD had given me a “theme”: to declare “ozapft is”, which is the word for “it’s tapped” at the Oktoberfest in Munich, when the first barrel is opened by the mayor of Munich. The day, I was at the chapel of Blennaerch, and where the anointing of the LORD is very strong about HOLINESS, right at the hour I was there and declared the “theme”, a friend sent me a picture from the sky above Munich, where a helicopter has written this very theme into the skies (it wasn’t even the first day of Oktoberfest, so even more astounding). The LORD confirmed HIS theme that HE has given for this trip in a great way.
    We have to go for re-connection!

  2. Praise God! Amen! God bless you, Brother/Minister Chris Bennett! This is a rhema Word of God, at such a time, where it is much needed. I sincerely and truly understand, which I didn’t clearly understand in the midst of fear, which torments a soul into hiding, running away from spiritual gifts, God and the enemy.

    It is sometimes, when the Lord allows us to be cornered in life, with spiritual oppositions sent by the adversary, so that what He has invested in us, will be pierce through, with us taking the authority in Jesus Christ to move forward with His perfect will, in our lives individually and corporately. It doesn’t pay to be stubborn or having a hard heart, especially when we know God personally in our lives, because sometimes because of being in the state of rebellion and disobedience, can cause traumatic pain our lives, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.

    God bless you! I thank God for your obedience in sharing this word via post.♥️

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