HomeProphecyWhy Settle for the Fringes, When You Can Take Hold of The LORD’s Untold Fortunes?


Why Settle for the Fringes, When You Can Take Hold of The LORD’s Untold Fortunes? — 7 Comments

  1. Thanks be to God for speaking to His children through His prophets, thereby encouraging us and lifting us up when we get perplexed about what we are going through.
    I receive the words of this prophecy and I am lifted up in all areas of my life and family in Jesus Name Amen.
    Thanks Sister Veronika for your obedience.

  2. Thank you so much for your encouraging words as relevant and related by Holy spirit. Amen. May Jesus Christ richly bless you

  3. I’m so honored to have been chosen by Him in this Great Hour, for Such a Time as This!!
    Day after Day, Night after Night, I’ve been amongst a group who’ve not laid down our Swords, in spite of the relentless onslaught of evil, (which when turned around spells
    L-i-v-e!!) :D
    This morning, after spending hours in prayer and intercession…again, my husband woke up to make his coffee, he said he had a strange thing happen, a vision of the park scene in the movie Baby’s Day Out played before him. I haven’t even thought of that movie in years, but the Holy Spirit quickened to me to watch it, so I did. That baby makes it from beginning to end without fail, through the most dangerous of occurrences, UNSCATHED!! There wasn’t a scene in the whole movie that the Spirit didn’t speak to me!! I laughed out loud!!  And the baby ceddled up in the end in his mother and father’s arms, where he was tucked in, safe and warm in his own bed.
    And then I read your post…WOW!!!
    Every intricate detail is His!!
    God bless you beautiful lady!! :)

  4. I read prophesy as my newspaper, I am always amazed how God weaves different thoughts from one prophesy that ties into another. When God says keep your eyes lifted up look and look again check the course and ends with the compass pointing true north. We just went through a provincial election in Ontario Canada and the same pattern of computer voting happening which leaves you with less the perfect thoughts. Yet my newspapers have clearly stated who are next prime minister is to be Derrick Sloan Gods true David from the party of the TRUE NORTH, God does not show us the big picture of His plan, we get little pieces here and there which we try to use to explain this is how and when God is going move and end up frustrated when all along God us been actually telling us to step out of the boat(place of safety) and walk on water which only happens by faith which pleases Him!

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