It’s Going to Be Okay!
“It’s going to be Okay!” There is someone who has not heard these words in a very long time.
Continue reading →“It’s going to be Okay!” There is someone who has not heard these words in a very long time.
Continue reading →Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift; For my King lives in my heart; Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift; For my King has given me everlasting Life.
Continue reading →Sometimes we get so focused on this Earth, that we forget this life is temporary.
Continue reading →There is a Shofar being blown today, awakening the slumbering souls. A Heavenly Trumpet Blast sounding the alarm, preparing the way, convening an assembly!
Continue reading →We are in what feels like an apocalyptic time in The United States of America and in California.
Continue reading →When advancing His Kingdom, you’ll realise there will be instructions, directives, and leadings of The Spirit of The LORD to you that can best be described as “inconvenient necessities”.
Continue reading →God in His fullness, yet was without a mate or thing in all creation that He could commune with at His level, or face to face, so to speak.
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