HomeProphecyAmerica: Let the Jehus Arise!


America: Let the Jehus Arise! — 84 Comments

  1. Bless you Veronica! So sorry you are getting pushback from Christians—we are with you and thank you for your uplifting messages you gift us with. They are a blessing!

  2. Thank you again for your faithfulness and diligence. I now I will always find a true Word when I visit your site. May God return manifold blessings to you and your loved ones for your for your courageous stand in this final chapter. Yes, God wins!!

  3. I am in agreement with your word on the Jehus.  Being in America and all that we have gone through and still going through in this season, I know God has His hand and us and the battle is not over till God says it’s over.  This word is very encouraging to continue standing with Him and Him only. President Trump will be our President for the next 4 years, God will save America, the imposters in our nation will be thrown out of office and another will take their place.  Jezebel will be destroyed!  Thank you for Veronika for being true to give His word and not backing down.  We need a strong voice in this hour.  May God continually to bless you richly in everything you set your hand to do.  Thank you Lord in Jesus name.

  4. Well said. I’m with you all the way.I say AMEN and AMEN. Now is the time to stand and declare the word of the Word of the Lord.be strong in the power of His might.
    Many people haven’t seen the Kingdom battle in these elections, they’re still treating it like a popularity contest. Open the yes of their hearts Lord.

    Thank you Veronika.

  5. Thank you for your encouraging words, and for standing on them.  I often look you up for the words God gives you.  I thank God for four more years!

  6. Thanks! Love your boldness and I do believe the prophets so shall I and my house prosper. Trump all the way because he is Gods way today!  I really appreciate your ministry and follow your posts regularly among others. Blessings!

  7. I will never be able to accept Biden and Harris as president and Vice President.  I have heard them say that we need to expand abortion.  I can’t accept murderers being allowed to rule over us. Pray for them to be saved?  Yes.—that I can do and am doing, but will constantly pray for them to never rule over our country any more.

  8. Yes, hi, I’m on God’s side, believe the prophets and prosper! I am one who is being woke up to rise up especially since USA election. How? I am a life long Michigan resident (instinctively felt my vote don’t matter for years) and republican. Been watching NBC the whole time (not anymore). I can see now what I did not before. I was hidden in Christ for such a time as this. We will carry on supporting God as He always gets the last say and the last laugh. Thank you for posting.

    Divinely Encouraged!

  9. !  !  !  !  A M E N !  !  !  !

    “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” Thomas Paine

  10. Veronica,
    I am so thankful God has connected your words to my ears and heart Thank You for standing firm in what God has said through you!!  May your reward be overflowing and may your gifting be massively multiplied!  The body of Christ in the United States has needed your encouragement to stand on the prophesied words of God concerning His choice in President Donald J Trump.  Like the story of the Israelites at the Red Sea, We, in America can feel the lapping of the waters of the sea on our toes and even now We see the whites of the eyes of the Egyptians as the electors met today to cast the “official” Electorial College votes for Biden. . .BUT GOD IS BIGGER than any date, vote or declaration by evil!  Gods laid a TRAP and there are a whole lot of vermin that will be caught. . .its not over. . God wins Trump will sit in the White House for another term!  I can’t wait to see Gods mighty hand move in both Justice and the establishment of HIS PLAN!  Blessed be the name of the Lord!

  11. This took righteous fortitude to deliver…we will not bow to anyone but GOD!  Amen Sister Veronika! Do not demur to the naysayers!  Stand!

  12. Bless you girl for your boldness.  I am so blessed by the anointing that is on your gift.
    God grant us confidence, faith and peace while we wait for God to move this mountain.

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