HomeProphecyRapture or Not? (Part 1)


Rapture or Not? (Part 1) — 34 Comments

  1. Thank you. This is what Holy Spirit showed me many years ago and keeps demonstrating with more scriptures and examples. I want to be ready and stand strong for Him and to help others. Shalom

  2. Thank you for this message , Joyce.  I didn’t realize how intense the division over the Rapture message was until a year or so ago.  There are such convincing messages that are pro Rapture and anti Rapture with both parties saying that the Lord God told them.  It’s so hard to navigate what is true because the arguments on BOTH sides are so convincing and to look at some of these believers it’s difficult to wonder how they could be deceived if they are.  Where my flesh would LOVE to just be zapped out of this world to be kept from tribulation when looking at what the Bible says I just don’t see scriptural support for that (though I do see what looks to some scripture twisting or adding).  Will pray for peace for the Body of Christ over this and I hope that others will pray for the Body of Christ, too.

    • Stacie you said a mouthful. Also, I wish to provide the scripture evidence more in Part 2. Thank you and God bless.

  3. I am planning to go in the soon coming rapture. God has never told me wrong. I am eager to fulfill my calling here and be in the soon to come rapture after the last would is saved.  And that is God’s word to me. Gave my full life to him so very many years ago, age 24.

    • That is good you gave it all to the Lord at 24 years old! May God bless and keep you every day and may we be faithful & true till the end.

  4. Is you prison ministry in the USA or another country?  Our ministry has been giving three soulwinning tracts to chaplains. Sponsors just pay the printing cost and shipping, no profit for us–except souls.  I’d send you three samples. Also, our book 21 WAYS TO FORGIVE illustrated with 40 drawings –we’ve placed about 9,600 copies into prisons via chaplains. Now 5,000 copies are coming out in Spanish. I’m always looking for prison ministries that might be able to use these evangelism and discipleship tools.  Regarding end times: I always say, “Be ready to GO and be ready to DIE.  If you are ready to GO you’d also be ready to DIE and if you are ready to DIE You’d be ready to GO.  The issue is READINESS.  Love in Christ, Wes Daughenbaugh, http://www.EncouragementExpert.com

    • Wow Wes! Thank you for all your encouragement and help offered with my prison ministry. Yes I am in the U.S

      For the last 2 years, I have only worked although giving out Bible Studies; Newsletters and answering letters “ONLINE”.

      At different time periods since 2006 I went in person to the County and City Jail locally. Many I still follow up I met in person all those long years ago. It is a hard work but a very rewarding call.

      I no longer mail the Bible Studies, material etc. Their was so many letters taking forever to get there.

      Most have tablets now and I put credits on their account so they can personally answer, share their prayer requests, etc.

      Love your ending on readiness!!

      Again thank you and God bless.

  5. I should leave this alone, people have free will to think whatever they want. The rapture has always been a divisive doctrine like Jesus explaining the resurrection of the dead to the Sadducees (God is the God of the living) the variables given in the bible around this rapture theology would tend toward making it a true statement! There are many truths presented in the New testament that people will prosecute and render a verdict on why they are not true! There is a Spirit given to end all this prosecution so the truth can be KNOWN the way to test this is the Spirit’s response to your words does God confirm His words (your words) with signs following do you preach the no rapture message and see it confirmed with signs following
    The tribulation period is a fact and people do arrive in Heaven through this process, but it is not tribulation that perfects that only happens through Jesus Christ and His baptism. Coming to the place where you lose your life to find it is the key if tribulation helps this process Gods speed but like accepting or rejecting the vaccination I find more people are very accepting in tribulation (JUST MAKE IT STOP)

    • Jay, again in the Lord’s timing there will be a Part 2. It is started and my intention is to present it with the Word of God.

      All things I surely understand in a Rhema Word if true, must always balance with the Written Word. The scriptures must be rightly divided. God bless you.

  6. Amen. Good to hear a true word about the tribulation.
    So many Christians around the world in China, India, Iran and other places are suffering for Christ right now.
    It is a true test of a pure and spotless bride to remain faithful unto the end. The overcomers will inherit all things.
    “These are those who came out of great tribulation… they loved not their lives unto death.”

    • Amen Mark to the scripture. Thank you for stopping by and your reply. It is true of all the Christians around the world suffering for Christ right now. God bless you.

  7. Dear Joyce for relaying this Word from the Lord.  It is much needed, right here right now.  And, I feel the comforting hand of my Lord on me in this storm.  Thank you with Love..

    Celeste Dewey

    and, I like this Word a lot for it confirms to me again that the “Rapture” is not a true teaching.  I have heard it too, even preached it in the Past, but, THE LORD TOLD ME TOO.. THE TEACHING ABOUT IT IS NOT CORRECT.  He has told me too that we who believe will be here IN MUCH OF THE TRIBULATION.. God Bless you Joyce, for your faithfulness to give HIS WORD OUT.

    Ken Dewey

    • My Bro and Sis Dewey thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I admire and love you both so much. Many treasured memories on Fb through the years are much. Also the times on the Intercessors line with you. This is sure not a popular teaching I know but we have to be faithful to what the Lord speaks to us. I pray God bless, keep you and enlarge your borders. Joyce

  8. When the article begins with my church, there are 7 different churches seen at the beginning of the book of revelation. Chapter 4 of Jesus reveals shows us 4 beasts in Heaven around the crystal sea the lion Adams generation the calf Moses generation, the mans face John the baptist generation, and the final one the flying eagle which represents __________ So which of the 7 churches are you speaking to because they are all in the tribulation period none of them are seen around the throne in chapter 4. However, as they arrive at different places in the book of revelation they are seen in Heaven the Millenial church is seen leaving Heaven, I think the term used is spewed out Jesus’ mouth, the neither hot or cold church. The thought of persecution perfecting saints is a choice we make if we will not be crucified with Christ (the Spirit-filled Jesus)yet I live Not I but Christ in me, No persecution here but you must die which happens through the leading of the Spirit, doing what you are told!

    • Jay, while I appreciate you coming by and commenting, I wish to delve into a part 2 later. I will be doing that as the Lord leads and will try to answer questions. As I told Bro & Sis Dewey I have to be faithful to speak what I hear from the Spirit of the Lord. One thing The Rhema Word and the Written Word need to always agree. Sometimes the scriptures are falsely interpreted by man. We need to carefully put the Word together line upon line, precept upon precept. God bless you.

      • So to step into history outside of God’s book to interpret the 7 churches in the tribulation will be an impossible endeavor. Lets ask some easier questions
        1 Did Daniel bow down to the image
        2 Whose face was on the image Nebuchadnezzar built
        3 when we see this happen again in Revelation whose face is on the Image that speaks
        4 Job gave us his philosophy what was it, is it possible to believe and arrive in Heaven
        5 How do you know the mark of God the 144000 have on their forehead is 777?
        I do want to know the truth as a man, I do want to be right as a man, and I do not want to lead people into error as a man. So how do you see these questions what do you hear?


    • Jay, again in the Lord’s timing there will be a Part 2. It is started and my intention is to present it with the Word of God.

      All things I surely understand in a Rhema Word if true, must always balance with the Written Word. The scriptures must be rightly divided. God bless you.

  9. Now that my precious sold-out friend, dear Joyce, is a WORD! I have so missed you here. I got your last text but wasn’t sure about the meeting on the 9th. I love…’Let every beat of your heart feel My Embrace, My Touch and My Love’. HE truly is all there is!!! God bless you richly and keep you. I love you Sandi

    • Sandi, we may be separated by distance and different assignments at times, but never by heart. I thank God He knitted our hearts together on this site. Marching on together in the Lord’s army! We Win!! I love you much and have missed being on here, sis.

  10. So good to hear from you again, Joyce!!! This WORD SAYS SO MUCH!!! Hope this finds you & your family well.  God Bless you!!! Bev

    • Bev, you are such a blessing to the Body of Christ! My family and I are fine. Got a precious granddaughter with me tonight. Children are sure a heritage and blessing from the Lord. Hope you and yours are well. God’s richest blessings, Joyce

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