HomeProphecySpend Your Time Wisely


Spend Your Time Wisely — 8 Comments

  1. Joyce

    The LORD started to teach me offensive and defensive warfare through watching my son play high school football. Because I was getting hit /attacked a LOT & felt like I’d been playing football without all the pads.  So I asked GOD WHY was I getting attacked & hurt so much?

    I had played basketball in high school, so when HE told me that to be winning in prayer I had to be doing offensive prayer to be always prepared by doing advance warfare / Pre-game warmup, because that was how I would be able to score points & keep from getting hurt. 

    Then HE explained about a defensive prayer was when you were picking yourself up after you got hit, like in football, because you hadnt defended yourself through pre-game exercises.  That hit home so strongly, it’s something I’ve always remembered and done ever since.

    You are such a jewel to the LORD, who wears a beautiful crown of grace, grace, grace, mercy, & kindness.

    Blessings to you! Bev

    • Love it, love it love it! Thank you Bev, for sharing with me. This is so true and Father God knows how to prepare us to win and not lose!
      Also thank you for your kind words to me. I so feel like a diamond in the rough sometimes. Just glad Jesus is polishing me up.
      We are His sparkling jewels and I see you shining brightly in the Spirit.

  2. Well you know Beverly, this hit home! Thank you as it is so much encouragement and truth in every line! I believe the post isstraight from the Lord and do receive this Word.

    One example I will quote from you is:

    “Remember if the enemy cant get you because of your Wise Warfare, then he will go after those you love the most next, which may include family, pets, friends, your way of living or livelihood, etc. It’s important to include these in your prayers. It’s important to be cunning as snakes and innocent as doves. (Matthew 10: 16-31)”

    I had just came in from the 8th Prayer Rally at our Courthouse, in Aug 2021. My little granddaughter walked in & found my 8 year old cat by my desk dead!

    ‘Smoky’ had been acting funny, but 2-3 days before she was checked by a vet assistant and they said she was fine!

    The enemy had a plan to discourage us, but he lost!! We had a blow, yes but we had final Victory and peace in our great loss! Her Dad buried Smoky but she lives on in our hearts.

    Offensive Warfare, yes!! Will read all over again. Thank you. Hugs

    • YES! AGREED!
      For a Warring, Remnant Bride…
      Anticipating her soon and coming KING!
      THANK YOU!

      ….you wrote,
      “Times are changing quickly. My acceleration is coming forth to propel you into My purposes for you and all creation.
      Stay alert to what is going on around you and in you, so you will be waging an offensive war with the enemy of your soul, instead of a defensive war, which is harder on you and those who pray with or fight with you for My Kingdom.”

      {so often your word resonates with SUCH precision with what Holy Spirit is speaking to me}
      COURAGE/LOVE/ and CONFIDENCE in your Beloved KING!!
      HE IS FAITHFUL and TRUE!!!
      Blessings from Canada

      • Wow! My heart is with you who are in Canada.  I just listened to Barry Wunch


        on Elijah Streams.  You will be in my prayers, as it sounds as if you and Australia will be leading the way out of the fiery furnace that the enemy is trying to put everyone in, without understanding the Spirit of GOD is with us ALWAYS!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!! Bev

          {Can “hear” the clashing of the swords…but “see” that the Sword of the Lord is MIGHTY as it is wielded TOGETHER in “spirit-heart synchronicity”}

          • May I jump in here, lol? Yes Shelley, yes!
            Years ago one of my prayer partners would come to my house.
            As we had prayer times, she would often get the visions of the warfare fight and the swords clashing. The Lord used me in a different way. Mainly we prayed for others as we felt led. I sure miss those days of someone willing to just come and spend time to pray together. We must get back to the heart of worship and prayer.

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