HomeProphecyThe LORD’s Fireball From Heaven


The LORD’s Fireball From Heaven — 5 Comments

  1. How marvelous God is speaking in dreams and visions to awaken His people for what is coming on the earth as revealed in Book of Revelation. To love Him is to obey Him. Fear God and keep His commandments.  Prepare ye the way of the Lord. The King is coming.

  2. I saw a fireball that never landed. It kept zooming fast ahead of us until it disappeared mid air. This has happened 2020 of December.

  3. I had this dream long time ago(20 years back) and still remember it. I was a child then.I’m from India born in a Hindu family. Now a child of God, baptized in the Holy spirit. I have been searching from long what this dream meant. But I was certain that God gave me the dream and had a purpose for it. I truly believe that there is a outpouring of the Holy spirit in the times to come. Amen

  4. I found you googling fireball down from heaven.  Last night I had a dream and in my dream great balls of fire west sent down from heaven and people were running and screaming in fear.  I also saw people praising and worshiping the lord as well.  In my dream i prayed asking the father to remember me as I knew I haven’t been on the right path.  In my dream it felt as if i knew a prophecy was being fulfilled.  Once i awaken, I looked on the internet to search for meaning, only to find you had had this dream as well..maybe more defined.  I read your experience and word and I thank the most high for the words of enlightenment…Many blessings ..

  5. I just finished reading about “Black Moon eclipse which is happening August 21st. A Black Moon by the seasonal definition occurs 7 times in 19 years. Every 19 years the phases of the moon recur on or near the same calendar dates. I have not heard anyone talk about this happening . I have been studying the Word and saw it.  Then today Earth Sky News has the article!!  Also Prophecy news;an article Eclipse Begin a period of “40 Days and 40 Nights” for America!!!! I had a “dark Orange Moon” over my farm “Hope Mountain” 2 wks ago> Sister in Christ, Nancy Holste, Fall City, Washington

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