HomeProphecyWe Must Keep a Heavenly Balance Always!


We Must Keep a Heavenly Balance Always! — 2 Comments

  1. Thank you Gabrielle. This really touched my heart that it was confirmation.
    Interesting you were seeing 133 also.
    Going to look up that song by Paul Wilbur. I also follow your posts. It always grieves me I don’t always have a chance to respond. Hugs and prayers, Joyce ❤️

  2. Dear Ms. Joyce, I have followed your posts for quite some time. And, while they each one
    resonate within my spirit, the one today with Psalm 133:1-3 especially was meaningful. I as well kept seeing 133 but did not think to look up Psalm 133. But, the song from Paul Wilbur, Hinei Ma Tov, kept flowing through my mind and spirit. The song is exactly about Psalm 133. as you wrote about today. What joy it is to receive confirmation like this. The Lord bless you and keep you. Gabriele