You Have The Measure That Works!
Can the LORD use you as you are?
He turned a stutterer into a healing evangelist (Oral Roberts).
Another stutterer into a leader of Israel (Moses).
A deaf man into a prophet that hears the LORD’s Voice (Thomas Downes).
We all have things, challenges that can cause us to feel like it would be impossible for God to use such imperfect people.
But when we present ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, our most reasonable response to our own shortcomings would be to believe that all things are possible for those who believe.
That we actually can prophecy according to the measure of faith that He has given us, that we can actually see people healed with the faith we do have according to what Jesus said. “The works that I do, shall you do, and greater works shall you do because I go to the Father.”
You Do have the measure of Faith that works.
All things are possible for those who believe.
It is time for you to start.
It is time for you to believe.
~ Thomas Downes
Thomas Downes. Walking with the LORD for over 40 years, Thomas runs “The Voice of the Writer” a Prophetic Ministry. His purpose is to present the Word of God and the Love of God with the prophetic heart; the heart that desires to hear the Voice of the LORD, and present His Word for the encouragement of others.