HomeProphecyThis Time Shall be Well Remembered


This Time Shall be Well Remembered — 10 Comments

  1. Amen Sandi. I came back on HKP to read a little this morning. This Word is very sound for us all.

    I loved, “As perfect love casts out fear, so freedom shall reign even in the midst of darkness…

    God is surely on our Side and what or who shall we fear?
    Pressing on in battle, and it’s Victory Time!

    The King of King and Lord of Lords reigns from on high!

    Let us be found faithful and watching & overcoming till the end.
    Love you much. Joyce

    • Dear Joyce, Thank you for your very encouraging agreement. Yes, pressing on in battle. If God is for us, who or what shall we fear? Oh, what a saviour! What a covenant. Standing with you as we fight this fight of faith in agreement. Love you much, my friend, Sandi

  2. Beautiful Word!!! I receive with all of my heart.  Thank you Sandi for your obedience and the beautiful gift the Lord has given you. Much love.

    • Maria, thank you so much. So delighted you received. You are very gracious and I receive you kind words of encouragement. Blessings, Sandi

    • Karen, you are so very welcome. May you press forward with bold confidence trusting the Lord with all your heart! Blessings, Sandi Holman

  3. Hello Robert, SO good to hear from you again and know that your are holding on to His unchanging hand and word that will never return void. Many of us feel as if we have been in the ‘furnace of affliction’ but take heart, my friend, it is worth it all as you already know for your test is becoming your testimony and it will speak volumes to those who need it. You are SO welcome. Love, peace, and blessings, Sandi

  4. Abba, thank You!!
    Bless the beautiful heart and increase the territory of the beautiful feet of this messenger Father.
    Amen and Amen

    • Dear Cheri, Thank you so much for YOUR beautiful heart that is always listening and absorbing every word of the Lord as you sit daily at His feet and He leads you one step at a time. It is so very encouraging to hear from you as you faithfully open your heart for more, more, more from your loving heavenly Father. Love and so many blessings, dear one. Sandi

  5. What a perfectly timed word for me to encourage me to ‘stay the course,’ as I hear from time to time.  I know all you wrote to be true, but having it all together and at this to in my “process” is priceless!

    Thank you Sandi!

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