HomeProphecyRapture or Not? (Part 1)


Rapture or Not? (Part 1) — 34 Comments

  1. I agree with this prophecy.
    The Lord showed me a series of numbers:

    666 imperfect
    777 perfect
    888 superperfect

    How can you get better than perfect?
    Because if you take 111 from 888 and add it to 666 you get 777.
    The number ‘8’ speaks of new life.
    Eight people came through the flood (1 Peter 3:20).
    The rainbow is a sign (Genesis 9:13) and rainbows have 7 colours.
    The gay pride flag displays a rainbow with ‘6’ colours (Wikipedia).
    Rainbows are circular and the number ‘8’ is comprised of 2 circles.
    There is a sign for Australia. It is a double circular rainbow.
    The photo was taken in Australia.
    There is also a photo of a supernumerary rainbow.
    This speaks of a superperfect number.
    “Lord, I receive your stamp. Thank you.”

    • Thank you Peter Gross for what you shared. Interesting. I hope you will also read Part 2 with the video I just found yesterday. God bless you

  2. Hi Joyce,
    I’ve heard different prophets give different prophecies about the coming and ‘Rapture’ of God’s people. This is the first I’ve heard of ‘No Rapture’ so when are we to go to heaven as is it is written in the Bible? What about the 10 virgins, I thought that meant we are to be ready when Jesus comes for us? Can you please explain. Thank you

    • Elizabeth yes I will. Thank you. Just as in older comments I spoke that there will be a Part 2 and I will give the Word of God as my basis to go on. Was hoping for this week to have been through and posted but sometimes we can’t.

      Today being Sat am trying for and hope by the latest tomorrow to have Part 2 finished. Thank you precious lady for your patience and stopping by.God bless you

  3. What a clear, sound word! I am so grateful for it, faithful sister.  I was taught the rapture doctrine as a new believer but never felt an anointing on it. Jesus specifically prayed that we wouldn’t be taken out of here, but instead be kept. How is it that so many believe a teaching that plainly contradicts His prayer and will even fight over it? I pray that many eyes will be opened by the message God has given you. Thank you and bless you and your ministry.

    • Thank you Michele for stopping and letting me know how it was confirmed to you! I truly hope this week to be able to a Part 2 with more scriptures put in place. God bless you very much!

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