HomeProphecyAmerica: Trump Will Win — But Will Walk With a Limp


America: Trump Will Win — But Will Walk With a Limp — 32 Comments

  1. Thank You Lord that the Government shall be Upon Your Shoulder! Help us to Pray your Will and let Your Kingdom Come on Earth as IT is in Heaven. Thank you Lord that Your Word is True & we pray Your Word & we will see Your Plans Prevail Here in America & in the Earth- because You Do ALL Things Well! Thank you for the Transformation that is needed for REFORMATION!!!

  2. Walking with a limp, will slow you, will delay you, but will not stop you from walking. Could be he will win, but without the majority in Senate to push his agenda..

    • You are a bit behind, but I’ve been there several times and then found I was actually ahead. Time travel in this case is true.
      – He will have Senate support.
      – God has intervened.
      No limp. No lump.

      {Golf is his passion.}

  3. I read this some a long time ago and we can prevent the limp. As opposed to what we saw in the Old Testament happen to Jacob

  4. Walk with a limp could signify many things. Donald is strong and has weathered so many attacks. How could a person be so strong and continue on when we all know this onslaught is from those who don’t know God. We all have to and are praying not only for our president to persevere. We are praying for our nation and our people. United we stand divided we fall. One nation one people under God needs to return. I must admit as I pray for this I have seeds of doubt of it happening. I know where that emanates from so I remain shored up with the Lords assurance that we His children are in Good Hands. Thank you Lord and praise your name. AMEN!!

  5. Sister when is the next continuation of the meaning of your dream? and how can I know that you post it already, is it in facebook again: please notify me coz I want to follow the revelation of God to your dream. God bless u sister.

  6. Amen!! SOO Good.
    I live in Minneapolis, MN. A couple days ago I was listening to a sermon on the wrestling match between God and Jacob, so incredible that this Word came now. He’s so amazing!! Thank you Veronica for sharing. And thank you with all of my heart for interceding. President Trump is the man God has placed between the devil and Gods people in this Nation and we need to rise up and stand in the gap for him.
    Blessings beautiful sister

  7. People! LET US with a gladsome mind PRAISE the LORD for He is Kind, for HIS mercies and Covenant shall endure. HE is ever faithful, ever SURE.

    All nations be glad, salvation for the US mirror’s salvation for all nations.

  8. Praying for him and our country has been my number one priority. And has been for some time for others in the church as well. We will storm the heavens with prayer till peace comes. The other priority is for a great harvest to be brought in. Salvation for many.

    • In dream interpretations an injured hip like Jacob had is a symbol of that person cheating and betrayal. Jacob fought God and was injured and tricked everyone to steal the place that was not rightfully his.

  9. When I watching the Republican Convention last night I notice he was walking with a slight limp. I was concerned about it and have been praying for him.It was nice to read your prophesy. GOD bless!!!

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