This category comprises guidance on how to live a Bible based Christian life in a fallen world. All articles are Bible based.
An alphabetical list of our Christian Living articles:
- Someone Asked Me to Teach Them the Impossible! by Jim Hammerle
- Someone Is Always Important To Us by Thomas Downes
- Someone Who Cares by Derek Prince Ministries
- Something Crept In, Unawares by Robert Blackburn
- Something to Think About and to Remember! by Johann van der Hoven
- Something’s Not Right! by Robert Blackburn
- Sometimes I Can See Eternity by Stephen Hanson
- Sometimes It Is Time to Step Down by Joyce D. McGuire
- Sometimes our Enemies may ‘Succeed’ by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- Sometimes, I Am Out of Words! by Mary Lindow
- Sometimes…. by Chris G. Bennett
- Sons of Celebrities or Sons of the Spirit? by Johann van der Hoven
- Sons of God Maturing by Ron McGatlin
- Sons of God… by Robert Blackburn
- Sorry – YOU don’t Fit in Here! by Mitch Salmon
- Soul Healing, Purity, and Accuracy by Kimberly Fuller
- Soul Mate by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Soul Thirst by Derek Prince Ministries
- Sound Doctrine or Deadly Doctrines? by Stephen Hanson
- Sound Structure and Design by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Sound Teaching 101 by Barbara R Thomas
- South Africa Needs Revival! by Johann van der Hoven
- South Africa: What if The Revival You Are Praying for, Came? by Johann van der Hoven
- Sow in Tears; Reap in Joy by Derek Prince Ministries
- Sowing and Reaping by Derek Prince Ministries
- Sowing into your desires! by Jennifer Hobbs
- Sowing Seeds & Deeds of Greatness by Mary Lindow
- Sowing Seeds & Deeds of Greatness – Mercy by Mary Lindow
- Sown among Thorns by Robert Blackburn
- Speak into their lives! by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- Speak it Forth in Confidence! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Speak No, See No, Hear No Evil by Stephen Hanson
- Speak Out God-given Words! by Kelley Ewing
- Speak the Truth in Love! by Kimberly Fuller
- Speak Words of Life! by Heidi Bryden
- Speaking Correction Nobody Wants To Hear! by Robert Blackburn
- Speaking the Truth by Robert Blackburn
- Speaking the TRUTH when it is not Popular by Geraldine Coleman
- Speaking, Listening and Doing! by Stephen Hanson
- Speaking, what the Holy Ghost Says to Speak by Robert Blackburn
- Spear Throwers & Insecure Leaders by Mary Lindow
- Special Miracles by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Spirit Consummation by Ron McGatlin
- Spirit Infusion and a New Mindset! by Ron McGatlin
- Spirit Kingdom Glorifies the Natural World by Ron McGatlin
- Spirit, Soul and Body by Angus MacKillop
- Spirits sent to stop you! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Spiritual Abuse in the Church by Robin Kirby Gatto
- Spiritual Advancement and Demonic Challenges by Shelly-Ann Powell
- Spiritual and Natural Sons Arise by Ron McGatlin
- Spiritual Assassins by Esther Hadassah
- Spiritual Blind-Spots by T. Andrew Farley
- Spiritual Command Center – Briefings! by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Spiritual Common Sense is Practical by Elizabeth Cassutto
- Spiritual Discipline by Johann van der Hoven
- Spiritual Frustration by Dr. Dee Evans
- Spiritual Gifts and the Fruit of the Spirit by Stephen Hanson
- Spiritual Guidance for the Days Ahead by Rich Fyke
- Spiritual Infants Sat in the Pews by Bill Bremer
- Spiritual Knowledge and the Practical Experience by Johann van der Hoven
- Spiritual Maturity & Discernment by Barbara R Thomas
- Spiritual Metamorphosis by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Spiritual Nourishment for Today by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- Spiritual Obsession with The Enemy’s Forces by Barbara R Thomas
- Spiritual Parents by Barbara R Thomas
- Spiritual Warfare 101 by Stephen Hanson
- Spiritual Warfare and Strongholds of Our Hearts by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- Spiritual Warfare Comes With Every Promise God Has Promised You! by Geraldine Fisher
- Spiritual Warfare in The Bible by Doug Addison
- Spiritual Warfare Over Kenya by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- Spiritual Wickedness by Robert Blackburn
- Spiritually Abusive Church Leaders by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Spiritually Discerning Life and Times by Ron McGatlin
- Sri Lanka: Continued Harassment of Christians & Fears for the Future by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Stability, Security by Derek Prince Ministries
- Stagnant Water by Celeste Dewey
- Stand Alone in the Son Light! by Thomas Downes
- Stand Firm Against the Devil’s Strategies by Bill Bremer
- STAND FIRM, they have not given up! by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- Stand Only Under Grace by Angus MacKillop
- Stand Still: See God’s Salvation! by Geraldine Fisher
- Stand Your Ground in this Season! by Kimberly Fuller
- Standing Firm! by Derek Prince Ministries
- Start Each Day Well! by Derek Prince Ministries
- Stay In THE GLORY For More of THE GLORY! by Jacob Awagah
- Staying Focused by Derek Prince Ministries
- Steal NOT God’s Glory! by Syreeta Thomas
- Stealers of the Anointing by Barbara R Thomas
- Stepping Into the Supernatural by Elaine Tavolacci
- Stepping into You Destiny by Derek Prince Ministries
- Steps to Kingdom (Marketplace) Purpose by Clay Sikes
- Stewardship by Kimberly Fuller
- Stewardship of His Presence in You! by Neville Salvetti
- Still Celebrating Halloween? by Mena Lee Jones
- Still The Same Devil! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Still They Would Not Repent by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Stillness in the Wilderness by Yolanda Banks
- Stop Abbreviating God And His Name! by Jacob Awagah
- Stop Being fooled by Gifts! by Barbara R Thomas
- Stop Being Stupid! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Stop Demonizing Cats! It’s Time to Think! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Stop Fancying Up the Flesh! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Stop following religious devils in suits! by Kevin Nugent
- Stop Leaving Yourselves Open for Attacks! by Barbara R Thomas
- Stop Looking for Life to Be Comfortable by Mena Lee Jones
- Stop rejecting the Word of God! by Geraldine Coleman
- Stop that Thief! by Laura Gagnon
- Stop the Devil Stealing your TIME! by Jennifer Hobbs
- Stop the Entertainment – Return to THE WORD! by Barbara R Thomas
- Stop the Lies and Pretenses! by Geraldine Fisher
- Stop The Music! by Robert Blackburn
- Stop this Church BUSINESS! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Stop Tolerating Toxic People! by Veronika West
- Stop Trying! by Robert Ssesanga
- Stop With the Nonsense! People Matter! by Mary Lindow
- Stop! I Want to Get Off! by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Stopping the Judgment of God on the Church by Robert Blackburn
- Storms are Arising and Death is in the Land by Geraldine Fisher
- Straight is the Way! by Kimberly Fuller
- Strangers in this World by Robert Blackburn
- Strength for the Weary by Derek Prince Ministries
- Strength That Never Fails by Derek Prince Ministries
- Strengthen Me, I Pray Thee, Only This Once by Robert Blackburn
- Strip Yourself of Your Broken Nature by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Stripped of Our Pretense and Masks by Stephen Hanson
- Stripping Back by Yvonne Coombs
- Striving! versus Resting! by Kimberly Fuller
- Strong Call to Prayer — Let’s Reach them While We Can! by Joyce D. McGuire
- Strong Delusion by Robert Blackburn
- Struggling & Suffering Privately by Syreeta Thomas
- Stumble No More! by Thomas Downes
- Submission to others, in the Fear of The Lord! by Robert Blackburn
- Submit Yourselves Therefore to God! by Kimberly Fuller
- Suddenly… Unexpected Blessings are Flowing! by Geraldine Coleman
- Sufficient Unto The Day by Stephen Hanson
- Suicide – Don’t do it, there is hope yet! by Gail Manizak
- Sukkot — A High Holiday by Mena Lee Jones
- Summary into New Age Movement by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- Supernatural Men! by Esther Hadassah
- Supernatural Spirit Reciprocity by Ron McGatlin
- SUPPORT MINISTERS OF GOD! by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- Surrender Through HIS Process! by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Surviving the Bite of Python by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Suspicion is NOT Discernment! by Stephen Hanson
- Swear Not! by Geraldine Fisher
- Sweden as a Warning to Other Nations! by International Christian Zionist Center
- Swept Under the Religious Carpet by Prophet Ken Dewey
- T’s Time to Teach Them Their True Identity! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Tabernacles — Highlights From 102 Year Old Arthur Burt by Clay Sikes
- Take Every Thought Captive by Stephen Hanson
- Take God into Account by Derek Prince Ministries
- Take Refuge in The LORD, not in Man! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Take the Kingdom of Heaven by Violence Today! by Dana Jarvis
- Take The Next Step! by Dana Jarvis
- Take Time to Examine the Vessels of God! by Esther Hadassah
- Take Your Mountain! by Clay Sikes
- Take Your Seat With God And Take From His Table by Jacob Awagah
- Taking Authority by Robert Blackburn
- Taking Credit For Other Peoples Work… by Robert Blackburn
- Talking & Preaching Christian Jargon! by Barbara R Thomas
- Tares, Wheat and Lawlessness by Gail Manizak
- Tarry Until Pentecost: God Is Coming Like Never Before! by Jacob Awagah
- Taste and See by Derek Prince Ministries
- Teach Thyself, Heal Thyself by Stephen Hanson
- Teach us to number our days by Stephen Hanson
- Teach Us Your Ways! by Yolanda Ballard
- Teachers & Students & Submission by Barbara R Thomas
- Teaching Article: Pride vs. Humility, Part Two by Derek Prince Ministries
- Tearing Down Strongholds by Laura Gagnon
- Tears by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- Tell My People – Air Their Houses by Joyce D. McGuire
- Temperance – A Fruit of the Spirit by Robert Blackburn
- Temptations and Troubles… by Celeste Dewey
- Ten Days to Establish the DAILY Anointing! by Chuck Pierce
- Ten-Hut: A Call to Attention by Dr. Dee Evans
- Tend His Garden! by Ron McGatlin
- Test ALL Spirits! by Angus MacKillop
- Test ALL Things! by Veronika West
- Test Everything – Be A Berean! by Mary Lindow
- Testify of God’s Faithfulness! by Yolanda Ballard
- Testimonies Are Important! by Dana Jarvis
- Testimonies of Church Ministry Visits by Barbara R Thomas
- Testimony and Seasons by Shelly-Ann Powell
- Testimony and The Wait on The LORD is Weighty (Part 3) by Joyce D. McGuire
- Testimony and The Wait on The LORD is Weighty (Part 7) by Joyce D. McGuire
- Testimony and The Wait on The LORD is Weighty (Parts 1 & 2) by Joyce D. McGuire
- Testimony in Fasting by Esther Hadassah
- Testimony of Deliverance from Addiction by Ashley Hutheram
- Testimony Time! by Adrianne Kendell
- Testing the Fruit by Mitch Salmon
- Tests and the Nature of God’s Judgments by Jennifer Mars
- Tests of the Righteous by Jill MacKillop
- Thank Offerings to God by Derek Prince Ministries
- Thanksgiving Praises Him! by Laura Gagnon
- Thanksgiving: Key to Victory by Derek Prince Ministries
- That Ache So Deep…. by Mary Lindow
- That Bucket Won’t Hold Water! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- That Quiet Persistent Voice by Mary Lindow
- That spider has no teeth by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The “Church” is full of Lost People! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The 14th Apostle by Robert Blackburn
- The 3 Types of Love That Change Your Life by Doug Addison
- The Abominations in The Nations by Esther Hadassah
- The Accusations by Esther Hadassah
- The Active and Powerful Word by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Acts of the Sinful Nature (Part 1) by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The Acts of the Sinful Nature (Part 2) by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The Acts of the Sinful Nature (Part 3) by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The Acts of the Sinful Nature (Part 4) by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The Acts of the Sinful Nature (Part 5) by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The Acts of the Sinful Nature (Part 6) by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The Acts of the Sinful Nature (Part 7) by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The Acts of the Sinful Nature (Part 8) by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The Adult-child and the Child-like by Mary Lindow
- The Ahab & Jezebel Spirit by Barbara R Thomas
- The Ahab and Jezebel Spirits by Barbara R Thomas
- The Air I Breathe! by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Amazingly Incredible Triune God! by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Ancient Of Days Is Impacting Earth by Clay Sikes
- The Angels Are Here! by Geraldine Fisher
- The Anointing by Johann van der Hoven
- The Anointing Breaks All Witchcraft by Thomas Downes
- The Anointing Is Rising! by Dana Jarvis
- The Anointing of God by Stephen Hanson
- The Answer to All Things by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Apostate Church and Eternal Destruction! by Geraldine Coleman
- The Apostles Needed Healing by Robert Blackburn
- The Apostolic Office by Kevin Nugent
- The Appointed Time by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Archbishop of Glasgow’s “Monition of Cursing” by Angus MacKillop
- The Ark of God’s Presence by Ron McGatlin
- The Armor of God by His Kingdom Prophecy
- The Armor of God by Celeste Dewey
- The Army of God: Organization To Organism by Clay Sikes
- The Army of The Lord by Mary Lindow
- The Aroma of Life by Yolanda Banks
- The Ascension of Jesus by Angus MacKillop
- The Attack by Dana Jarvis
- The Audible Voice of the LORD Sending Me to Kenya & Uganda by June Sheltrown Reinke
- The Authentic Authority of God by Shelly-Ann Powell
- The Authentic Prophet by Johann van der Hoven
- The Authority of the Believer by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The Awakening by Clay Sikes
- The Awareness of Christ in Us Will Bring Miracles! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Balance Is In The LORD’s Hand! by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Basics of Life: Grounded in Christ by Brian and Julie Price
- The Battle Between the Heart and the Mind by Stephen Hanson
- The Battle for the Soul by Heidi Bryden
- The Battle for The Temple Mount by International Christian Zionist Center