This category comprises guidance on how to live a Bible based Christian life in a fallen world. All articles are Bible based.
An alphabetical list of our Christian Living articles:
- The Hour Has Come! by Robert Blackburn
- The Human Brain by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Ideal Candidate! by Geraldine Coleman
- The Identity Crisis by Yolanda Banks
- The Immaculate Re-Conception by Ron McGatlin
- The Impact of God’s Presence by Apostle Julius Suubi
- The Impact of God’s Presence (2) by Apostle Julius Suubi
- The Importance of Good Sense and Wisdom at This Time by Stephen Hanson
- The Importance of Humility by Stephen Hanson
- The Incubus and Succubus Spirits by Barbara R Thomas
- The Indispensable Word by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Indomitable Spirit! by Robert Ssesanga
- The Inner Ache to Seek Close Companionship With God by Mary Lindow
- The Inner Life by Stephen Hanson
- The Insurgence of God — The Emerging Mist by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Interpretation of Various Types of Dreams by Stephen Hanson
- The Intolerance of Jesus by His Kingdom Prophecy
- The Jesus Mantle by Kimberly Fuller
- The Jezebel Spirit — Forgive And Live by Dr. Dee Evans
- The JOY of Accomplishment by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The JOY of the cost of saying YES to The Lord by Barbara R Thomas
- The Kabod Glory of God in Your Life by Prophet Russell Walden
- The Key to Peace by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Key to Ultimate Spirit Rule on Earth by Ron McGatlin
- The Keys That Bring Restoration and Revival to Our Nation by Veronika West
- The Kindness Of The Power Of God by Thomas Downes
- The Kingdom and Sexuality — Pt.1 by Ron McGatlin
- The Kingdom and Sexuality — Pt.2 by Ron McGatlin
- The Kingdom and Sexuality — Pt.3 by Ron McGatlin
- The Kingdom of Love by Jim Hammerle
- The Kingdom of Spirit-Natural Life by Ron McGatlin
- The Kingdom Stock Market by Jim Hammerle
- The Kingdom’s Payday by Abel Praise
- The KISS of BETRAYAL by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The Knowledge of His Glory Will Cover the Earth by Robin Kirby Gatto
- The Lack of Approval by Robert Blackburn
- The Lack of Real Salvation by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Lack of Temperance by Robert Blackburn
- The Lamb & The Lion by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The Lamps That Are Ablaze by Thomas Downes
- The Language of LOVE? by Mary Lindow
- The Language of the Believer in Jesus Christ! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The Language of the Spirit by Stephen Hanson
- The Last Darkness by Mitch Salmon
- The Last Healing Miracle by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- The Last Lap by Dr Bruce Allen
- The Last, shall be First by Robert Blackburn
- The Law of Christ VS the Law of Moses by Kimberly Fuller
- The Law of Life! by Robert Ssesanga
- The Law Versus His Love by Mitch Salmon
- The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God by Mary Lindow
- The Laws of The Land by Neville Salvetti
- The Leader’s Code of Ethics by Barbara R Thomas
- The Leading of The Holy Spirit by Johann van der Hoven
- The Lie of Satan by International Christian Zionist Center
- The Lie That Procrastination Tells You by Doug Addison
- The Life is STILL in the Blood by Deborah Waldron Fry
- The Life of an Artist by Stephen Hanson
- The Lifeline for Deadlines by Robert Ssesanga
- The Lifting Up by Robert Blackburn
- The Light of Men by Johann van der Hoven
- The Light! by Geraldine Fisher
- The Limbo Zone by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Lion of Judah Roars Against the Accusers! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Lion of Praise by Robert Ssesanga
- The Living Word From God by Ron McGatlin
- The Living Word Is Much More Than Just Words by Stephen Hanson
- The Long Road Home — The Peril of a Prodigal by Robert Blackburn
- The longer the wait – the Greater the Glory! by Kimberly Fuller
- The Longing and Aching Deep Within You Heart by Mary Lindow
- The Longing and Aching Deep Within Your Heart by Mary Lindow
- The Longing You Are Feeling Is Me Calling You by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Lord calls YOU to pray for the Nations! by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- The Lord Examines Our Paths by Derek Prince Ministries
- The LORD Hath Need Of You! by Robert Blackburn
- The LORD Helps His Troubled People! by Laura Gagnon
- The Lord is Calling for True Holiness and Righteous Living by Geraldine Fisher
- The LORD Is Drawing in Our Families by Yvonne Coombs
- The Lord is forever faithful by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- The LORD is GOD! – Part 2 by Robert Ssesanga
- The LORD Is On Your Side! by Dana Jarvis
- The Lord Jesus Asks… by Neville Salvetti
- The LORD of the SABBATH by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The Lord of Time by Derek Prince Ministries
- The LORD Reigns! by Laura Gagnon
- The LORD said: No Demons Left Behind! by Barbara R Thomas
- The LORD says, “Let Go!” by Pastor Jahfas Victor Ahua
- The LORD says, “Pick Your Head Up!” by Kelley Ewing
- The LORD says: “Even THAT!” by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Lord says: “Make your choices wisely!” by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- The Lord says: Just About the Time… by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Lord says: My KINGDOM will never die! by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- The Lord says: Pray for our youth! by Barbara R Thomas
- The LORD says: Purchase Land! by Barbara R Thomas
- The LORD Sends Forth His Word! by Thomas Downes
- The Lord wants to make YOU Whole! by Geraldine Coleman
- The LORD Warns of Enemy Attacks! by Barbara R Thomas
- The LORD Will Pour Out of His Spirit by Robert Blackburn
- The LORD Will Provide by Thomas Downes
- The LORD’s Firm Foundation by Mitch Salmon
- The LORD’s Gifts for The Body of Christ by Pastor Jahfas Victor Ahua
- The LORD’s Plans Are Higher by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The LORD’s Plans for You by Derek Prince Ministries
- The LORD’s Prescription by Mitch Salmon
- The LORD, In A Whisper! by Mary Lindow
- The Lord, Stirred Up Their Spirit by Robert Blackburn
- The LORD’s Rest and Desire by Ty Unruh
- The Loss of All Things by Stephen Hanson
- The Lost Vineyard by Robert Blackburn
- The Lost, the Last, the Least, the Little by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- The Love of Christ by Veronika West
- The Love of God: Despise Not the Small Things by Doug MacCallum
- The Love of Home by Ron McGatlin
- The Lukewarm by Robert Blackburn
- The Man From Macedonia by David Murry
- The Manifestation of The Kingdom by Neville Salvetti
- The Martyr Complex in The Church by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Martyrs, They Wouldn’t Submit! by Robin Kirby Gatto
- The Meaning of Life is…? by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The Merchants of Christianity by Barbara R Thomas
- The Mighty Power of God Will Be Demonstrated When We Walk and Pray by Mary Lindow
- The Mind of Christ by Kevin Nugent
- The Ministry of Angels by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- The Ministry of Helps by Barbara R Thomas
- The Ministry of Tears by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- The Miracle of Redemption by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Miracle Worker! by Robert Ssesanga
- The Misconception of Power in the Church! by Syreeta Thomas
- The Missing Link by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The Misuse of the Calling of a Prophet by Barbara R Thomas
- The Modern Church Classroom Must Change! by Tim Price
- The Modern Day Apostle by Johann van der Hoven
- The Moment of Breakthrough by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Month of Tishrei by His Kingdom Prophecy
- The Moon will be Turned into BLOOD by International Christian Zionist Center
- The More Humble, the Wiser! by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- The most aggravating sound!! by Jim Hammerle
- The Most Fruitful Season Yet! by Jill Steele
- The most important thing by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- The most important thing in Ministry by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The Most Needed Message in Today’s World by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Mountain of the Lord! by Robert Ssesanga
- The Moving of the Holy Ghost by Robert Blackburn
- The Mystery and Riches of Repentance by Jacob Awagah
- The Mystery of Becoming the Love of God by Ron McGatlin
- The Mystery Of His Will by Robert Blackburn
- The Names All Appear in One List! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Nation that Forgets GOD! by Geraldine Coleman
- The Nature of God Seen in Scripture by Stephen Hanson
- The Nearness of God by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Need for Apostolic Focus by Barbara R Thomas
- The Need to Be Alone and Separated by Stephen Hanson
- The Need to Be Alone in Nature With God by Stephen Hanson
- The NET Work by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The New Dumb in Ministry! by Barbara R Thomas
- The New Man by Stephen Hanson
- The New Man & the Old One by Stephen Hanson
- The New Man in Christ by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The New Normal? by Robin Kirby Gatto
- The New Wineskins: Fleshing Out This New Season by David Murry
- The News is Worse and Worse Daily! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Next Glorious Outpouring of the Spirit by International Christian Zionist Center
- The Next Prescription ~ Are you ready? by Mitch Salmon
- The Next Step – That I May Know Him! by Robert Blackburn
- The Night a Demon Visited Me by Mary Lindow
- The Octopus Spirit by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Office of The Prophet by Mena Lee Jones
- The Oil and The Anointing by Mary Lindow
- The Old Man Who Wanted to Go Home by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Old Paths by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Old School Pastor by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Old Ways vs Christ’s Way by Johann van der Hoven
- The OMEGA TIMES & E-Book Downloads by Brian Hay
- The One Life I Want to Live by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The One Who Called you The First Time, Calls Again by Thomas Downes
- The One-Fold Ministry by Robert Blackburn
- The Only Voice Left That Matters by Mena Lee Jones
- The Oppressor by Robert Blackburn
- The Oracle by Robert Blackburn
- The Path of Life by Clay Sikes
- The Path of the Righteous by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Path That Opens to Take Over by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Path to Spiritual Maturity by Clay Sikes
- The Pen is mightier than the Sword! by Stephen Hanson
- The Perversion that is Homosexuality by Angus MacKillop
- The Pharisees in The Church Today by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Picture of a Prophet by Stephen Hanson
- The Pit is NOT Your Destiny! by Dana Jarvis
- The Place of Prophecies, Visions and Dreams by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The Plowman shall overtake the Reaper by Barbara R Thomas
- The Power of A Vow by Laura Gagnon
- The Power of Communion by Robert Ssesanga
- The Power of Faith and Prayer by Angus MacKillop
- The Power of Fire! by Ron McGatlin
- The Power of Forgiveness by Yolanda Ballard
- The Power of God’s Grace! by Robin Kirby Gatto
- The Power of Grace in the Court of Heaven by Doug Addison
- The Power of Personal Testimony by Mitch Salmon
- The Power of Praise by Laura Gagnon
- The Power of Real Prophecy by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Power of Thanksgiving: Giving Thanks Makes You Well by Jacob Awagah
- The Power of the Decree by Laura Gagnon
- The Power of the Earth! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The Power of Your Words by Veronika West
- The Prayer Jesus Prayed to His Father for His Disciples by Geraldine Fisher
- The Prayer Language Called “Tears” by Abel Praise
- The Precious Treasure and Oil in Your House by Elizabeth Cassutto
- The Preparation and Training of a Prophet (Pt.1) by Stephen Hanson
- The Presence and Love of Our King by Dana Jarvis
- The Presence Beyond the Veil by Ron McGatlin
- The Present Danger of Hardening Your Heart by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Price of an Anointing by Paul A Williams
- The Principle of First-Fruits by Robert Ssesanga
- The Prison of Dependency by Jim Hammerle
- The Problem With “Revivals” by Johann van der Hoven
- The Process of Change! by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Prodigal Son by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Progression of Faith by Neville Salvetti
- The Promises of God are Conditional! by Geraldine Fisher
- The Prophecy Candle by Mary Lindow
- The Prophet’s Message Must Become Part of Him by Stephen Hanson
- The Prophetic Ministry by Abel Praise
- The Provision Is in the Promises by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Pruning and Refining of Every Believer by Mary Lindow
- The Purpose of God’s Laws by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Purpose of POWER by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The Purpose of Testing by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Purpose of the Supernatural by Doug Addison
- The Purpose of the Wilderness by Syreeta Thomas
- The Pursuit of Holiness! Are You Satisfied? by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Puzzle Pieces by Stephen Hanson
- The Python Spirit by Barbara R Thomas
- The Race of Christianity by Barbara R Thomas
- The Rains have been Released by Mary B. Dovie
- The Rapids And The Calms by Thomas Downes
- The Rapture: Spiritual Food For Thought by Mena Lee Jones
- The Real Power by Robert Blackburn
- The Real Work of God is Supernatural by Mary Lindow
- The Real Work of God Is Supernatural, Not Natural! by Mary Lindow
- The Reality and Condition of My Church by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Reality of 5-Fold Leaders in the Church Today by Barbara R Thomas
- The Reality of Prayer by Gail Manizak
- The Reapers Are Coming! by Robert Blackburn
- The Red Letter Christian Movement by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Red Pill or the Blue Pill? by Stephen Hanson
- The Redeemed Say So! by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Refinement of Silence by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- The Refiner’s Fire is Not for our Comfort! by Mitch Salmon
- The Reformer and the Reformation! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- The Religious ‘Shows’ Are Coming to an End! by Johann van der Hoven