This category comprises guidance on how to live a Bible based Christian life in a fallen world. All articles are Bible based.
An alphabetical list of our Christian Living articles:
- A Word for My Nation and for Your Nation by Esther Hadassah
- A Word For Pastors and Leaders by Dr. Dee Evans
- A Word for the Overcomers by Kimberly Fuller
- A Word for Women Only by Barbara R Thomas
- A Word of Caution to all Atheists by Prophet Ken Dewey
- A Word of Encouragement on Prayer by Dr. Dee Evans
- A Word of Encouragement to The Body of Christ by His Kingdom Prophecy
- A Word of Encouragement — March 2021 by Kelley Ewing
- A Word of Exhortation! by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- A Word of The Lord to Remnant Sons & Daughters by Kevin Nugent
- A Word of True Wisdom by Barbara R Thomas
- A Word on Opening Doors by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- A Word to Christians by Mary B. Dovie
- A word to Prophets by Barbara R Thomas
- A word to the wise is sufficient by Jim Hammerle
- A World Wide Wake-Up Call! by Geraldine Coleman
- A Wounded Spirit by Robert Blackburn
- Abba, will Raise You Up! by Robin Kirby Gatto
- Abide and Stay Connected in Him! by Mary Lindow
- Abide Forever by Derek Prince Ministries
- Abide in HIM! by Mena Lee Jones
- Abiding by Prophet Ken Dewey
- ABORTION – A Sign of the End by Prophet Ken Dewey
- About Christ Our LORD by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- About False Prophets and Politicians! by Geraldine Coleman
- About that big holes in your chest by Jim Hammerle
- About Worship… by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Abraham Lied About His Wife by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Abundant Life in the Midst of the Storm by Ron McGatlin
- Acceptance by Thomas Downes
- Access Has to Be Granted and Invitation Extended! by Geraldine Fisher
- Access through Worship by Derek Prince Ministries
- Accessing and Appropriating God’s Love by Ron McGatlin
- According to Your Faith by Robin Kirby Gatto
- Accountability, is For All! by Mary Lindow
- Achieving Contentment by Neville Salvetti
- Acknowledge Him by Derek Prince Ministries
- Acknowledging those called by The LORD by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- Acquire The Riches of The Fear of THE LORD! by Jacob Awagah
- Acts 29: Authority, Strength, Fruit & Authenticity by Johann van der Hoven
- Adaptability, Drive and Desire! by Thomas Downes
- Addressing the Desperate and Needy Soul by Mary Lindow
- Admiring God by Derek Prince Ministries
- Advent — December 9 by Mary Lindow
- Advent — December 10 by Mary Lindow
- Advent — December 2 by Mary Lindow
- Advent — December 3 by Mary Lindow
- Advent — December 5 by Mary Lindow
- Advent — December 8 by Mary Lindow
- Advent — Week Number 1 by Mary Lindow
- Advice for someone reading here… by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Advice to The Joshua Generation by Syreeta Thomas
- Afghanistan: Believers Forced to Recant by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Afghanistan: The Church in Peril by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Afraid of Stepping Out of the Boat? by Shelly-Ann Powell
- Africa my Africa! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- After Deliverance by Neville Salvetti
- After The Wilderness Experience by Shelly-Ann Powell
- After This! by Dana Jarvis
- Afterglow of the Feast of Tabernacles 2018 by International Christian Zionist Center
- Again! A Time to Speak! by Robert Blackburn
- Against All Odds! by Robert Ssesanga
- Aging by Mitch Salmon
- Aging and Its Divine Metamorphosis by Mary Lindow
- Agonizing in Prayer? by Kevin Nugent
- Ahaz in the house of God Today! by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- ALERT! Strong Words by Mary Lindow
- Align with the Processes of God by Robin Kirby Gatto
- Align With the Will of God! by Shelly-Ann Powell
- All Creatures – Praise the Lord! by Derek Prince Ministries
- All Glory to God! by Geraldine Coleman
- All Heaven on Fire With Excitement! by Deborah Waldron Fry
- All Hidden, WILL be Exposed! by Geraldine Fisher
- All in the Process by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- All of My Life by Derek Prince Ministries
- All of the Books in the World Could Not Contain by Stephen Hanson
- All Things Are Lawful, but Not All Are Profitable! by Johann van der Hoven
- All Things Are Permissible… by David Murry
- All Things Are Possible With God! by Johann van der Hoven
- All Things are Working… by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- All Things Made New by Dana Jarvis
- Allow Your Love to Ripple Through the World! by Doug Addison
- Altar Worker’s Etiquette 101 by Barbara R Thomas
- Alternative Facts — Lies, or the Truth? by Stephen Hanson
- Always Have Lived in the Light by Stephen Hanson
- Am I a True Solder of The Cross? by Joyce D. McGuire
- Amazing Grace by Kimberly Fuller
- America & Trump: What is God saying? by International Christian Zionist Center
- America – Pray for President Trump by Laura Gagnon
- America 2022: Time to Take a Stand and Vote for Righteousness by Jo Ellen Stevens
- America and The Great Divide by Mitch Salmon
- America Repent! The Kingdom of Heaven comes! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- America the hypocrite! by Geraldine Coleman
- America — Barely There! by Mena Lee Jones
- AMERICA! Read the Fine Print! by Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer
- America’s Population Reduction Strategy by Barbara R Thomas
- America’s Self-made Financial Crisis by Mitch Salmon
- America, How Would We Fare? by Stephen Hanson
- America, The Nations & The Aborter and Ministers of Destinies by Abel Praise
- America, Whose Perspective Do We Have? by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- America: WAKE UP! by Mitch Salmon
- America: “War Room” by Mitch Salmon
- America: A Call to Christian Action by Jo Ellen Stevens
- America: A PRAYER for our Land by Mitch Salmon
- America: A Prayer Strategy by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- America: A Word of Truth by Veronika West
- America: Are WE living a lawless life? by Jeanne Hibbard Bowen
- America: Are You Ready to Go Underground? by Jim Hammerle
- America: Arise in the Power of Love and Faith by Ron McGatlin
- America: Christian After Election Actions by His Kingdom Prophecy
- America: Coronavirus Prophetic Warnings by Mena Lee Jones
- America: Fight for the Truth! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- America: God’s Warning on Man-made Storms and Disasters by Barbara R Thomas
- America: Holding True to The First Amendment? by Mitch Salmon
- America: Is Donald Trump God’s Chosen Man for This Time? by International Christian Zionist Center
- America: Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment by Laura Gagnon
- America: Nationwide Riots — A Prophetic Perspective by Prophet Russell Walden
- America: Recognize the Hypocrites by Mitch Salmon
- America: Repeating Nazi History? by Mary Lindow
- America: Speak NOW! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- America: The Antichrist is moving! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- America: The Land of the Lost by His Kingdom Prophecy
- America: The Real Reason! by Mena Lee Jones
- America: The Revolution has BEGUN! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- America: There Are More With Us! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- America: We Will Not Be Divided! by Mitch Salmon
- America: What More Can God Do? by Ron McGatlin
- America: What were the Curses? by Prophet Ken Dewey
- America: What’s Going Down? by Stephen Hanson
- America: You Always Vote and Lose by Jim Hammerle
- America: YOU should have been Praying! by Barbara R Thomas
- America: Your Prayers Matter! by Derek Prince Ministries
- American Election Blood Moon by Mena Lee Jones
- Among Thorns by Robert Blackburn
- An ‘Abiding’ Friend of Mine by Prophet Ken Dewey
- An Accounting of the LORD! by Robin Kirby Gatto
- An Adamant Harder Than Flint by Robert Blackburn
- An Advent Devotional by Mary Lindow
- An American Harvest Miracle by Prophet Ken Dewey
- An Angelic Encounter and a Prayer Strategy for Breakthrough by Laura Gagnon
- An ANSWER to the LAW KEEPERS by Prophet Ken Dewey
- An Encounter With The LORD by Mena Lee Jones
- An Enlarged Heart in the Sound of Silence by Sandi Holman
- An Excellent Spirit by Robert Blackburn
- An Honest Assessment of Faith and One’s Lack by Stephen Hanson
- An Illegal, Anti-american, Muslim President? by International Christian Zionist Center
- An Israel Update by Chuck Pierce
- An Oasis For You That Is Enduring by Thomas Downes
- An Old Familiar Road by Stephen Hanson
- An Outsider, Yet One Who Speaks the Truth — Pt.2 by Stephen Hanson
- An Undivided Heart by Derek Prince Ministries
- An Urge From The Spirit by Robert Blackburn
- Analyzing God by Mena Lee Jones
- Anchored to God’s Law by Derek Prince Ministries
- And the Clock Stopped Never to Go Again by Stephen Hanson
- And the LORD Answered Him Not…. by Robert Blackburn
- And The LORD Heard It! by Robert Blackburn
- And the Lord was with him by Robert Blackburn
- And The Word of The LORD Came Unto Me Saying… by Robert Blackburn
- And there were Giants in the Earth… and there still are! by Stephen Hanson
- And They Continued Steadfastly… by Celeste Dewey
- And What Shall This Man Do? by Thomas Downes
- Angels – Watching over each USA State by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Angels ~ They may not appear like you’d imagined! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Annoying and Dangerous by Mena Lee Jones
- Another Miracle Just Happened! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Another Prayer Call for Our Cities & Our Towns by Joyce D. McGuire
- Another View of Luther’s 95 Theses by Stephen Hanson
- Another View of the 95 Theses by Stephen Hanson
- Anybody can Preach! by Robert Blackburn
- Apart from ME, You can do Nothing! by Stephen Hanson
- Apostolic and Prophetic Keys by Geraldine Fisher
- Apostolic Authority — Full Measure of Christ by Ty Unruh
- Apostolic Declarations for Breaking New Ground by Laura Gagnon
- Apostolic Perspectives by Johann van der Hoven
- Apostolic Teaching 500: Apostolic Protocol by Barbara R Thomas
- Apostolic Training 101 by Barbara R Thomas
- Appropriate Response by Derek Prince Ministries
- Approval and God’s Recommendation by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Approved, Approved, Approved! by Robert Blackburn
- Are “these signs” following you? by Robert Blackburn
- Are All Believers in Christ Disciples? by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Are all religions the same? by Angus MacKillop
- Are Christians Today Far Too Weak? by International Christian Zionist Center
- Are the winds blowing in this world? by Mitch Salmon
- Are There Blessings from Life’s Storms? by Mary Lindow
- Are there Blessings in Life’s storms? by Mary Lindow
- Are We Blind? by Stephen Hanson
- Are We Called to HAPPINESS? by Stephen Hanson
- Are We Carrying His Heart? by Johann van der Hoven
- Are we giving of our best to GOD? by Jill MacKillop
- Are WE Giving the Glory to God? by Robert Blackburn
- Are We Groupie’s or Disciples? by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Are WE Listening to God’s Voice Today? by Robert Blackburn
- Are We Living in Perilous Times? by Mary Lindow
- Are We Living in the Last Days? by Robert Blackburn
- Are We Not All a Part of The Body? by Stephen Hanson
- Are WE Prepared? by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Are we seeking God for our nation and Church? by Jeanne Hibbard Bowen
- Are we Seeking God’s Heart or His Hand? by Geraldine Coleman
- Are We Sounding Brass and Tinkling Cymbals? by Robert Blackburn
- Are We Spiritual Enough? by Robert Blackburn
- Are We Taking the Kingdom of God by Force? by Joyce D. McGuire
- Are we too Superstitious? by Joyce D. McGuire
- Are We Walking, on a Straight or Crooked Path? by Joyce D. McGuire
- Are We? Are We? by Mitch Salmon
- Are You a ‘Christian’ or a Son? by Johann van der Hoven
- Are you a Dead Sea? by Jim Hammerle
- Are YOU Adding a God to YOUR Likings? by Johann van der Hoven
- Are You Approachable? by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Are You Being Supernaturally Transported? by Neville Johnson
- Are You Blossoming or Slowly Being Withered? by Chuck Pierce
- Are You Crying Out for Restoration? by Neville Salvetti
- Are YOU Cut From A Different Cloth? by Barbara R Thomas
- Are You Done Complaining to God? by Shelly-Ann Powell
- Are YOU Expecting God’s Shekinah Glory? by Ron McGatlin
- Are You Feeling the Winter Blues? by Mary Lindow
- Are You Following After Conspiracies or After God? (Revised) by Stephen Hanson
- Are You Following After Conspiracies or God? by Stephen Hanson
- Are YOU following wrong Prophets? by Kevin Nugent
- Are YOU Free? by Mitch Salmon
- Are You Glue or a Wedge? by Mitch Salmon
- Are You Guarding the Wrong Treasure? by Laura Gagnon
- Are YOU Hearing the Voice of the LORD? by Robert Blackburn
- Are you hungry for a true Visitation? by Jeanne Hibbard Bowen
- Are YOU In Order? by Robert Blackburn
- Are You Just Walking Through? by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Are You Living the Call? by Barbara R Thomas
- Are You Looking for a Caretaker or a Covering? by Barbara R Thomas
- Are YOU Losing Touch With God? by Johann van der Hoven
- Are YOU Ministry, Profession & Personally Balanced? by Shelly-Ann Powell
- Are You More Interested in Power or Salvation? by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- Are You Not Believing in Genesis? by Neville Salvetti
- Are You Offended in Persecution? by Johann van der Hoven
- Are You Offended? by Thomas Downes
- Are You Prepared for What is Coming? by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Are You Prepared to Carry a Mantle? by Barbara R Thomas
- Are You Presenting Jesus Christ by His Spirit? by Johann van der Hoven
- Are YOU Pressed? by Celeste Dewey
- Are You Ready for God to Speak? by Doug Addison
- Are YOU Ready to Suffer With Him? by Barbara R Thomas
- Are You Ready!? by Chris G. Bennett
- Are You Ready? by Mitch Salmon
- Are You Running on Empty? by Mary Lindow
- Are You Spiritual or Religious? by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Are YOU Staying On The Boat of Popular Opinion? by Sherry Edwards Mackey
- Are You Still Swimming Against the Current? by Mary Lindow
- Are YOU Stopping Another’s Advancement? by Syreeta Thomas
- Are YOU Stuck? by Derek Prince Ministries